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Aerospace Engineering: My experience in this fascinating world

Aerospace Engineering: My experience in this fascinating world

Hello! I'm Amadeo Perez, and today I'm going to talk to you from my personal experience about a subject that has been part of my life for many years: aerospace engineering. I have had the privilege of working with this discipline and living through some of its greatest achievements and challenges. And of course, it has been my turn to see how this area of engineering has transformed not only aviation, but everything related to space exploration. I tell you all about it in this article, straightforward and honest!

What is aerospace engineering?

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First of all, let me clarify what we're talking about. Aerospace engineering is concerned with the design, development and construction of vehicles that travel through the atmosphere and beyond, i.e. both aircraft (airplanes, helicopters, etc.) and spacecraft (rockets, satellites, and more). It is a field of engineering that has grown enormously in the last century, from the first attempts of pioneers like the Wright Brothers to the most advanced rockets from companies like SpaceX.

And don't think it's just a matter of engines and wings, here we're talking about the combination of many areas of knowledge: aerodynamics, propulsion, advanced materials and control technology. It is a multidisciplinary field, and that makes it so fascinating. From the simplest advances, such as improving the efficiency of a turbine, to the colonization of Mars, everything passes through the hands of aerospace engineers.

My first contact with aerospace engineering

To put you in context, let me tell you how my personal adventure into this world began. I didn't know much about aerospace engineering when I was young. Aviation yes, sure, but aerospace? No idea! But it was in my first job at an aerospace company that I discovered how incredibly complex and exciting this discipline was. We were working on wing design projects for commercial aircraft, and let me tell you the level of precision required was mind-blowing.

From that point on, I was hooked. Not just because it was challenging, but because I learned something new every day. Aerospace engineering forces you to be constantly evolving, you can't stand still! And while my first project was on the more "aeronautical" side, I soon had the opportunity to get involved in the design of navigation systems for satellites. That's where space started to catch my attention.

Aeronautical vs. Aerospace: How do they differ?

I know you're probably wondering: Aeronautical engineering is not the same as aerospace engineering? Well, no. Although they are related, there is a big difference. aeronautical engineering focuses exclusively on vehicles that fly within the Earth's atmosphere, i.e. airplanes and helicopters. While aerospace engineering also encompasses those that operate in outer space, such as satellites and rockets.

So, which do you choose?Do you stay flying inside the Earth or do you venture into the unknown in space?

Innovations in aerospace engineering: From Concorde to SpaceX

If I've learned anything over the years, it's that aerospace engineering never ceases to surprise you. Every decade brings with it new advances. Let me tell you about some of the most important ones.

The Concorde (1976): a supersonic airliner! Can you imagine crossing the Atlantic in less than 4 hours? This was one of the greatest milestones of aeronautical engineering, although unfortunately it stopped flying in 2003. The Concorde showed us that it was possible, although the economy was not on its side.

The Boeing 747 (1970): This was the airplane that revolutionized air transportation. Known as the "Jumbo Jet", it could carry hundreds of passengers on long-haul commercial flights. Undoubtedly, a jewel of engineering.

The Space Race and SpaceX: Today, advances are not only coming from the commercial aviation side. SpaceX, with its founder Elon Musk, has achieved what once seemed like science fiction: reusable rockets. What does this mean? That we can reduce the costs of space missions and make travel to space more affordable. We are facing a new era in which space exploration and the colonization of other planets look increasingly possible.

Future of aerospace engineering

If anything is clear to me after so many years in this sector, it is that the future is promising. The next few decades will be marked by a number of technological advances that will change the way we understand flight and space exploration.

Electric and autonomous flight: The industry is working on developing electric airplanes and autonomous flight systems. Imagine an airplane that doesn't need pilots! Although it sounds futuristic, we are already closer than it seems.

Missions to Mars: What seemed like a dream is getting closer and closer to becoming a reality. SpaceX and NASA have plans to send manned missions to Mars in the coming decades. This will open a new era in space exploration.

Moon habitability: Another project underway is the creation of habitable bases on the Moon. This could be key to future explorations deeper into the solar system.

Conclusion: Would you like to work in aerospace engineering

If you've been left wanting more after all this, let me tell you one thing: aerospace engineering is an incredibly exciting and rewarding career. Not only will you be involved in creating world-changing technologies, but you'll be part of a community that is literally pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

If you're curious about airplanes and space, and you like solving complicated problems, this is the place for you. Be warned, though: it won't be easy, but it'll be worth every second.

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