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Meet the Northeastern Catholic University

Founded in 1978 by a group of citizens concerned about regional development, UCNE is now a university with significant projection, offering broad and high-quality education. It comprises 5 faculties: Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Education, Health Sciences, Economic and Social Sciences, Legal Sciences, and a Program for Adult Higher Education.

Its purpose is to contribute to scientific, technological, sociocultural, and spiritual development and the integral realization of the human being. This is achieved through its teaching, learning, and educational innovation processes, as well as scientific research and outreach, considering a constantly changing environment and a plural society.

Also, UCNE aims to promote scientific, ethical, cultural, and Christian values. Its values include:

Pedagogical Innovation

Academic Excellence

Dignity of the Human Being

Dignity of the Human Being





Credibility and Honesty

Credibility and Honesty

Common Good

Common Good

Why Study with UCNE?

UCNE's main objective is to equip its students with the skills and attitudes that allow them to successfully address the professional demands and challenges of modern times. Simultaneously, it fosters a spirit of service in pursuit of the common good.

Studying with UCNE is a choice for comprehensive education with academic excellence capable of meeting current needs. In this sense, it aims for its students to contribute to economic, social, and cultural growth.

Additionally, UCNE maintains a proactive attitude and openness to scientific, technological, and cultural development with an ethical commitment. Consequently, its educational offering stays updated, promoting critical thinking and idea debate.

Furthermore, UCNE promotes the integration of knowledge, interdisciplinarity, and the integral development of individuals. It also encourages creativity, participation, and logical thinking.

Why Study with UCNE?
Online University Education with UCNE

Online University Education with UCNE

The Northeastern Catholic University (UCNE) offers a quality online educational experience that goes beyond geographical limits. With its focus on community service, academic excellence, and scientific rigor, UCNE provides a wide range of education supported by its five faculties.

Its students acquire the necessary skills to face current professional challenges, always with a proactive view toward scientific and technological development while maintaining social responsibility.

In conclusion, with UCNE, online university education transcends borders, providing updated and future-focused education for the professional and personal success of its students. Learn with UCNE at Educa University!

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