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Architecture and Design: Reflections from my experience as an architect.

Architecture and Design: Reflections from my experience as an architect.

What is architecture and design? I will tell you that, for many, these concepts remain on the surface, believing that it is only about "making beautiful buildings". But, if I'm being honest, it's much deeper than that. I'm not here to give you a definition out of a book, no sir! I'm here to explain to you how I have lived it, with my hands, my eyes, and yes, my heart.

The beginning of my path in architecture and design

More than 20 years ago, I started in this world, almost without knowing where I was getting into. I thought, like many, that being an architect was all about drawing plans and deciding where to put a door or a window. But I soon realized that architecture and design go beyond what we see with the naked eye.

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Let me tell you that, over the years, I have learned that every project has a soul. It's not just about complying with a blueprint, but understanding the needs of the space and the people who will inhabit it. That is the true essence of architecture and design.

Architecture: More than walls and ceilings

Did you know that architecture is one of the oldest disciplines in existence? Ever since humans started building shelters, they were already applying architectural principles. But make no mistake, modern architecture is not just about putting bricks on top of each other. Today, we talk about sustainability, energy efficiency and designs that integrate with the environment.

Types of architecture
You've probably heard of residential, commercial, industrial and landscape design, right? Each has its own approach and, in its own way, solves specific problems:

  1. Residential design: Here the key is to create a comfortable and welcoming space, which makes you feel at home, literally! It's about making every corner functional without sacrificing aesthetics.
  2. Commercial design: In this type, functionality and user experience go hand in hand. If you go to a store, for example, the design is intended to make you feel good and buy more. Believe me, it's no coincidence.
  3. Industrial design: It's less glamorous, but no less important. Here efficiency, safety and optimal use of space are fundamental.
  4. Landscape design: My favorite, because here nature and architecture merge. Parks, gardens, even the green areas of a city, everything counts.

Architectural design: Giving shape to dreams

Let's talk now about architectural design, because it's not all about building walls. It's about converting ideas into reality, don't you find it fascinating? Before raising a single brick, you have to understand how the space will flow, how natural light will enter through the windows, and even what materials to use to make the construction sustainable and efficient.

Good architectural design not only solves practical problems; it also brings an aesthetic touch that elevates any project. And yes, I have seen how a well-thought-out design can completely transform the way people live and work in a place.

Shall I tell you a secret? When I started working on my first projects, I realized that design wasn't a luxury, but a necessity. Because when you take design seriously, you not only make spaces look beautiful, you make them work better.

What makes a good design?

Throughout my career, I've learned that a good design is like a tailored suit: it has to fit the client's needs perfectly. And here several key principles come into play that I have applied over and over again:

  1. Functionality: Everything must have a purpose. It's not about filling the space with pretty things, but rather that each element fulfills a function.
  2. Aesthetics: Because, after all, we all want our surroundings to be visually pleasing, right?
  3. Sustainability: Nowadays, if you don't think about environmental impact, you're lost. Sustainable materials, renewable energies, it all adds up!
  4. Context: A building must integrate with its surroundings, not look like an invader. That's why I always study the site before designing.

The creative process: From idea to paper.... and beyond

Let me demystify something: the creative process in architecture is not sitting around waiting for inspiration to strike. No, sir! It is a constant work, a coming and going of ideas, sketches, more sketches, and then adjustments on the fly. In my case, it all starts with a notebook and a pencil, and a coffee...or two.

First, I listen to the client, because it's no use designing something spectacular if it doesn't meet what the person needs. Then comes the stage of sketches and mock-ups, which allow me to visualize the space in 3D.

But, here's the trick: you have to be flexible. In architecture and design, nothing is written in stone. Unforeseen events always arise and, many times, the best solutions appear when you least expect them.

The importance of details

If there is one thing I have learned is that details are everything. From the choice of wall color to the type of wood for the floors, every little decision affects the final result. But beware, it's not about filling things for the sake of filling; the details must be coherent with the overall concept.

A good architect knows that less is more. And no, it's not a cliché. I have seen projects ruined by wanting to "put everything in it", when what they needed was simplicity.

Conclusion: Architecture and design, an art that never ends

After so many years in this world, I can tell you that architecture and design never end. There are always new trends, new technologies, and new challenges. And that's what makes this field so exciting.

So if you're thinking of building your house, opening a business, or just want to improve your space, don't hesitate: invest in a good design. Believe me, it will change your life.

Thank you for reading my reflections. I hope this little window into my world has inspired you. And if you need help with any project, I'll be here, ready to transform your ideas into reality.

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