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Presentation of Occupational Health and Safety Report: A Complete Guide From My Experience

Presentation of Occupational Health and Safety Report: A Complete Guide From My Experience

What a topic!. If you've ever had the job of presenting an occupational safety and health (OSH) report, you'll know that it's not just anything. I've been doing it for more than a decade, and I can tell you with total authority that it's something that's not just about filling out paperwork. Here I tell you, from my experience, how to make that presentation not only effective but also make an impact on the company's management.

Because what's the point of making a perfect report if no one pays attention to it, or worse, if the message doesn't get through clearly? If you stick with me to the end of this article, you're going to learn everything you need to know to make an OSH presentation that speaks for itself and achieves the best results. Oh, and since I'm a hands-on kind of guy, I'll also share tricks I learned the hard way throughout my career in this field.

What Is an Occupational Safety and Health Report Presentation?

Before you start thinking it's something super technical and far out, let me tell you something that will clear the picture for you. The occupational health and safety report is an essential document that every company (regardless of size) has to generate periodically. It is required by law to ensure compliance with all regulations related to occupational risk prevention and to evaluate the impact of the measures being implemented.

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The idea is simple: it is to evaluate how the company is doing in terms of occupational accidents, occupational illnesses, and how well or poorly the prevention measures are working. But of course, this is not just about numbers, it is about presenting a deep analysis and, above all, proposing improvements.

In my experience, the most common mistake is that many focus only on the negative: accidents, fines, or non-compliance. Don't fall into that trap! Your report needs to highlight what has been done well. Of course, you are not going to cover up the problems, but it is important that you highlight the advances. Remember that no one likes to just get bad news.

Keys To An Impactful Report Presentation

This is where my personal touch comes in, and I assure you this is pure gold. Hold on to these tips, because whether your presentation passes with flying colors or is a resounding success depends on them:

1. Real and Comparative Data

Numbers rule. Managers need to see clear numbers. It doesn't matter what you explain if you don't accompany it with hard data. You need to use up-to-date statistics on accidents, incidents, severity, etc. Compare these numbers with previous years or with other companies in the sector. When the numbers go in your favor, the message is automatically reinforced.

2. Investment in OSH

This is something that always leaves a good taste in the mouth. It shows how much has been invested in protection elements, training, campaigns, signage, etc. And, most importantly, it highlights the results of those investments: fewer accidents, more productivity? That's the key.

3. Cost Avoided

Managers are always going to be concerned about numbers, but even more so about savings. This is where you shine! Explain how much was avoided in terms of direct costs (such as accident or severance payments) and indirect costs (such as lost productivity or downtime).

4. Worker Satisfaction Rating

This one's a freebie. Talking about worker well-being is fundamental. A good OSH system not only prevents accidents, but also improves the work climate. And believe me, this is worth a lot. A safe and controlled work environment reduces absenteeism and improves productivity. Can you imagine what that means for bosses?

How Should You Structure Your Report?

Okay, you're clear on what you should include, but now it's up to you to present it in a way that's easy to digest. Here's my personal recommendation on how to structure it:

Executive Summary: Short and concise. An overview that summarizes the key points. Remember, many managers are only going to read this part.

Period Objectives: What did you want to achieve? Here you explain the goals you set at the beginning of the period.

Results: Here there is no escape. It presents the hard numbers. Accidents, illnesses, safety incidents. But remember: compare with previous years and highlight the achievements.

Implemented Measures: Here you tell what has been done in terms of prevention: training, campaigns, equipment improvements, etc.

Analysis and Improvement Proposals: This is fundamental. Explain how you are going to improve in the future. Propose new goals and measures that will help you further reduce risks.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Believe me when I say I've seen it all, and there are mistakes that, if you avoid them, will put you on the right track:

  • Don't back up with data. Empty statements carry no weight.
  • Being too technical. Beware! Managers don't always understand technical language. Simplify.
  • Leaving problems without solutions. If you mention a problem, you have to propose a solution. That's key.

What Does the Law Say?

Here I want to give you a quick summary, because I know this may be a bit technical. The legislation that regulates occupational safety and health varies a bit by country, but there are common rules such as Decree 1072 of 2015 in several Latin American countries. This regulation establishes the minimum requirements that every company must comply with in terms of occupational risk management.

Remember that the law requires the safety and health report to be submitted periodically, usually once a year. If you do not comply, very serious penalties can come for the company.


You can see that it is not so complicated, but it requires strategy. If you follow these steps and present your report with confidence and clear data, you will get management's attention and achieve real improvements in occupational safety management.

Remember: it's not just a report!. It is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate the positive impact that good OSH management can have in your company.

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