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Education Council: Everything you need to know according to Carlos Hidalgo's experience

Education Council: Everything you need to know according to Carlos Hidalgo's experience

Throughout my life, Carlos Hidalgo, I have come across the term Consejería de Educación many times. If you are wondering what it is, what it is for or why you should pay attention, I invite you to sit down for a while and read my experience. This is not a simple dictionary definition, this is pure and simple reality. So without further ado, let's get started.

What is a Counseling of Education?

First the basics, for those unfamiliar with the concept. The Council of Education is a technical body within the public administrations, specifically those related to the educational system. They are mostly present at the regional level, as in the autonomous communities of Spain, but are also located abroad, linked to Spanish embassies abroad.

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These councils organize, coordinate and manage practically everything related to the education system in their area. From regulated education to educational programs in other countries. And not only for nationals of the country in question, but also for Spanish citizens who live abroad and want to continue their education in Spanish or maintain contact with the Spanish education system.

Now, all this may sound a bit technical, but let me tell you what it really involves.

My experience with the Consejería de Educación

In my youth, when I changed autonomous community, I had my first contact with a Consejería de Educación. What seemed like a simple bureaucratic procedure turned out to be an administrative adventure. When you talk about managing your education, changing schools or even solving problems such as scholarships, the Consejería is the starting point. Right off the bat, it seems like a bureaucratic monster...and I'm not going to lie to you, sometimes it is.

But, here's where the interesting part comes in. If you manage to navigate the system patiently, you may find that the Council of Education is much more than just a middleman. They have the power to help you solve real problems, from curricular adaptations to getting places in schools in difficult situations.

Main functions of the Consejerías de Educación

Here's where we start to break down their real power:

Educational center management: They coordinate the network of public and charter schools. If you have ever wondered who decides how many schools to open or how the educational offer is organized, it is them.

Allocation of places: When it comes to moving children from one school to another, they are the deciding body. It is not something random, they have a whole process of evaluation.

Promotion of Spanish abroad: The counseling offices outside Spain are not only in charge of managing scholarships and grants for Spanish students, but also of promoting Spanish language and culture abroad. This is one of those details that few know about, but it is vital to maintain the cultural link.

Exchange programs: Throughout my professional career, I was also fortunate to participate in an exchange program managed by a counseling office. Not only do they promote access to education, but they facilitate exchanges between different educational systems, which opens the mind and offers invaluable experiences.

How complicated is the bureaucracy

And here we go with the million-dollar question. Is the bureaucracy complicated? The short answer is yes, but the long answer is that it can also be incredibly useful. If you've ever had to process an out-of-time registration, solve a problem with a scholarship or ask for help for a child with special educational needs, you know what I'm talking about.

But don't be discouraged, in the Consejerías de Educación you'll also find professionals who really want to do things right. Mind you, the key is to be persistent and not let the bureaucracy swallow you up. When you learn to navigate its seas, you can achieve results that will make a big difference in your life or in that of your children.

Counseling offices abroad

An interesting part that many are unaware of is the existence of Counseling offices of education abroad. These are located, for example, in Spanish embassies in countries such as Mexico, Argentina or France. Their job? It is not only to look after Spanish students residing outside the country, but also to promote and manage educational cooperation programs with the host country.

In my experience living outside Spain for a while, I could see firsthand how these councils coordinate bilingual programs, cooperation agreements and access to Spanish diplomas. If you are ever considering moving to another country, keep this in mind: the Consejería de Educación is your best ally if you want your children to stay in touch with the Spanish education system or if you are looking to integrate into the new one.

The real impact of a Consejería de Educación

To put it simply, the Consejería de Educación impacts every corner of the education system. From the allocation of resources in the centers, to the creation of specific vocational training programs or the introduction of new technologies in the classrooms, everything goes through there.

And don't think it's only in Spain. The Spanish model has been exported to many regions of the world through these bodies. If you are curious about how Spanish has managed to maintain its presence in countries like France, Mexico or Argentina, the answer is simple: the Consejerías de Educación play a key role.

Tips for interacting with a Consejería de Educación

Here are some tips based on my experience:

  1. Prepare yourself with patience: Nothing in the world of bureaucracy is quick, so take a deep breath and carry as much documentation as possible.
  2. Know your rights: Many times counseling is there to help you, but you have to know what to ask for.
  3. Consult often: A phone call or an email is not enough. Sometimes, the best thing is to visit in person and be insistent, without becoming tiresome, of course.


Carlos Hidalgo tells you clearly: the Consejería de Educación is not just a bureaucratic body. It is a tool that, if you know how to use it well, can transform your educational experience, or that of your children. From school assignments to exchange programs, everything passes through its hands. And while it can be frustrating at times, it's worth learning to navigate its intricate processes.

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