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Engineering: Much More Than Numbers and Equations

Engineering: Much More Than Numbers and Equations

What is engineering? Surely you have asked yourself this question, or maybe not, but I assure you that it is more present in your life than you imagine. Engineering is one of those words that we usually associate with complex things, impossible to understand for the "common of mortals". But today, I'm going to tell you from my experience, what it really means to be an engineer, how engineering has changed our lives and why you're probably already an engineer without knowing it.

Engineering is Basically... Making Things That Work

Have you ever found yourself looking for solutions to practical day-to-day problems? Well, let me tell you, you're already thinking like an engineer. Engineering is not just advanced mathematics and endless equations; it is the science of solving problems using knowledge. At its core, engineering is the art of transforming ideas into functional realities. From the bridge you cross every morning, to the telephone you are reading this article on, everything bears the signature of an engineer.

Engineers are not magicians, although it often seems that they are. They just take scientific concepts, mix them with creativity, and bam! - something useful comes out of it. It doesn't matter if we're talking about civil engineering, where structures like bridges and buildings come to life, or computer engineering, which makes sure your memes get from one side of the world to the other in milliseconds.

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Types of Engineering: The Menu is Extensive!

You may think that being an engineer is only about building big things, but let me tell you that the branches of engineering are many and vary more than you think. Throughout my career, I have worked in more than one of these branches, and what I have learned is that they all have one common factor: solving problems.

Here are some of the most prominent ones:

Civil Engineering

Civil engineering is one of the oldest and most respected branches. It is responsible for making the world passable and livable. From roads, to bridges, to dams and dykes, civil engineering is what allows our infrastructure to function and, in many cases, even cities as we know them to exist.

Electronic Engineering

This is my field. Electronic engineering revolutionized the world. Without this discipline, we wouldn't be talking right now. Microprocessors? Mobile phones? The Internet? All of that is the fruit of electronics, which is in charge of handling electromagnetism and the circuits that make it possible for these devices to work.

Computer Engineering

In my opinion, one of the most exciting branches today. Computer engineering is in charge of making all that "digital magic" we use work well. It's behind the systems that process information, like your smartphone, your computer and anything else with a processor. Concepts like algorithms, programming, and system design come in here.

Chemical Engineering

It's fascinating. This branch transforms raw materials into useful products, such as plastics or fuels! Everything from drinking water to the medicines you consume passes through the hands of a chemical engineer.

My History with Engineering

As a kid, I never imagined I would go into this. The truth? I didn't even know what engineering was. Like many, I thought engineers were only good with numbers. I was wrong. Engineering is so much more than just math. I was fascinated by building things, finding solutions where others saw problems. That's the spark you need to be an engineer.

Over time, I discovered that engineering gave me tools to change the world, literally. I worked on telecommunications projects, helping to build data networks that connect continents. Then, I got into software development and computer systems, and I became addicted to solving problems!

If I've learned anything, it's that engineering teaches you to think in a structured way. Every challenge is an opportunity to create something new, something that works.

What Do You Need to Be an Engineer

This is one of the questions I get asked the most. Do I need to be a math genius? Well, let me tell you, not necessarily. What you really need is a curious and persistent mindset. Sure, you'll have to learn math and physics, but the basis is being able to look at a problem and find a way to solve it.

Creativity is a key part of engineering. There are problems that require out-of-the-box solutions, and that's where the brightest engineers excel. The ability to think "outside the box"is what makes a good engineer an extraordinary one.

The Future of Engineering

Engineering is far from becoming obsolete. While we have made impressive achievements, the best is yet to come. Today, genetic engineering is modifying organisms at the molecular level, and aerospace engineering is taking humans beyond the limits of Earth. Engineers don't just build things; they build the future.

Conclusion: We're All Engineers at Heart

If you've made it this far, you've realized that engineering isn't just for a select group of "eggheads."

If you've made it this far, you've realized that engineering isn't just for a select group of "eggheads. We are all, in some way, engineers. Every time you face a problem and look for a creative solution, you're thinking like an engineer.

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