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Faculty of Science: What They Never Told You

Faculty of Science: What They Never Told You

Hello, I'm Rubén Águila, and today I want to talk to you about something that has accompanied me in different stages of my life: the Faculty of Science. But don't worry, I'm not going to spout off a boring academic rant. I'm going to tell you from the experience of someone who has had to deal with laboratories, theses and professors who seemed to be taken from another planet.

What is the Faculty of Science?

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The Faculty of Science is the place where the magic of science becomes something tangible. There, not only abstract theories are studied, but it is where scientists capable of changing the world are trained. Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Physics... everything is there!

I'll be honest: entering the Faculty of Science is not for everyone. It is hard. One of those places where you break your head trying to solve a problem that seems impossible. But, at the same time, it's where you learn to love challenges and develop that analytical mindset that can save you in any situation in life. So if you love challenges and want to make knowledge your best tool, this is your place.

What Careers Do Science Faculties Offer?

Science faculties vary by university, but the most common careers tend to be:

  1. Biology: If you are passionate about life in all its forms, this is your option. From microorganisms to entire ecosystems, biology gives you the power to understand and protect the living world.
  2. Mathematics: It's not just about solving equations, it's about solving the world. Mathematicians have a unique ability to analyze and model complex phenomena.
  3. Physics: If you've ever wondered how the universe works, this career will lead you to decipher the deepest mysteries, from the behavior of subatomic particles to the laws that govern the cosmos.
  4. Chemistry: Everything is made up of chemicals, and chemists are the ones who have the knowledge to manipulate those chemicals for the benefit of humanity.
  5. Computer Science: Today more than ever, it is essential to understand how the technology that drives the world works.

This is not just a list. Each of these disciplines has specialized branches, such as biophysics, biotechnology, or materials science, which open infinite number of doors in the job market.

Science College Life

Ah, college life... When you think of it, you surely imagine parties, freedom, and a bright future, right? Well, let me ground you a bit. The Faculty of Science is different. I'm not saying there aren't parties, sure, but it's not the center of the experience. What's going to consume you are the hours and hours of studying, practicing, and teamwork.

Labs? Prepare yourself for long hours in a lab coat, doing experiments that don't always turn out like the books.

Teamwork? You're going to learn to live with all kinds of personalities, from the guy who does nothing to the guy who wants to be a Nobel laureate tomorrow. And yes, although it sounds cliché, these experiences will train you for the real world.

In the science faculties of universities such as the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) or the Universidad de Zaragoza, the focus is on research and on training scientists capable of solving global problems. So no, it's not just theory, they also prepare you to apply what you learn.

Challenges of Studying at the Faculty of Science

Now, let's talk about the hard stuff. Because it's not all rosy. The Faculty of Science can be draining. The level of demand is extremely high. It is not uncommon to see classmates who drop out in the first semesters. But this is where the interesting thing comes in: if you manage to overcome those obstacles, you will come out stronger than ever. And I say that from experience.

Frustration is part of the process. You're going to face experiments that fail, equations you don't understand, and moments when you'll feel like you're swimming against the current. But guess what? That's the life of a scientist. Science is not perfect, it is full of mistakes and failures, but from those failures the most brilliant ideas are born.

What Can You Expect After Graduation?

Now let's talk about what you are probably wondering: what happens next?

I tell you with all sincerity: the job field for graduates of the Faculty of Science is wide, but competitive. They are not going to give you anything for free, but the opportunities are there. Scientists are in high demand in industries such as technology, health, energy, and even entertainment.

Also, if you like research, many faculties have agreements with institutions and laboratories worldwide. It is not uncommon to see graduates working on cutting-edge projects in Europe or the United States. Of course, to get there you need passion and discipline

Is All This Effort Worth It?

I'll be honest: yes, it's worth it. The Faculty of Science changes your life. Not just because of what you learn, but because of how it transforms you as a person. It teaches you to think critically, to solve problems, and to not give up when the going gets tough.

If you love science, if you are motivated to learn how the world works, and if you are not afraid of challenges, then Faculty of Science is the place to be


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