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Kitchen Robot: The Definitive Guide

Kitchen Robot: The Definitive Guide

Hey, I'm Rubén Águila, and if you're here it's because you've probably heard about kitchen robots. Maybe a friend told you wonders about them, or maybe you saw an ad and got curious. Well, you're in the right place because, having tested and used several of these appliances over the years, I can tell you that I know what I'm talking about. And here I'm going to tell you everything you need to know.

Let's get to it.

What is a Kitchen Robot?

A cooking robot is that gadget that makes cooking stop being a chore and become a pastime or even a show. Yes, just like you hear! If you've ever felt overwhelmed by the thought of preparing an elaborate meal, a food processor is what you need. These devices are designed to handle multiple tasks in the kitchen: from chopping, mincing and grating to steaming, whisking, mixing and, in some cases, even baking.

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Imagine this: You get home after a long day, open the fridge and pull out some ingredients. The next thing you do is turn on your food processor, throw the ingredients in and, presto! The appliance does the magic while you take a breather. Sounds good, doesn't it? But it's not all rosy. You also have to know how to choose the right robot for you.

My Experience with Kitchen Robots

My first encounter with a food processor was a few years ago when I decided it was time to stop eating out and start cooking at home. I'm not a chef, far from it, but I am a fan of good food. And, of course, I wanted something that would help me not spend hours in the kitchen. That's when my first food processor arrived.

At first, it was quite a sight: "Look how it mixes! Look how it cooks!". But then, after a couple of months, I realized that the robot I had bought was not as versatile as I had hoped. It was good, yes, but not the right one for my needs. That's when I realized the importance of knowing what to look for in a food processor.

Keys to Choosing the Best Food Processor

1. Functionality: Not all food processors are the same. Some are simpler and just mix or whisk, while others are true beasts multifunctional. If you're like me, who likes to experiment in the kitchen, opt for one that can do a little bit of everything: chopping, cooking, mixing, kneading, etc.

2. Capacity: This is key. If you usually cook for a large family or like to prepare food in large quantities, you need a food processor with a large bowl. Beware of underestimating this! There's nothing more frustrating than having to make food in two batches because the bowl won't hold more.

3. Ease of use: Sometimes, more is not better. A food processor with thousands of functions may seem like a marvel, but if it's not easy to use, it will end up gathering dust in a corner of the kitchen. Look for one with an intuitive panel and one that doesn't require a PhD to use.

4. Cleanliness: Trust me, this is everything. Some food processors have a lot of small parts that are a headache to clean. Make sure the parts are dishwasher safe and assembly/disassembly is not torture.

5. Price: Yes, I know you'd love to buy the latest super advanced model, but sometimes you don't have to. There are very good food processors out there at reasonable prices. Just don't skimp on quality. A good food processor is an investment that will last you for years.

Recommended Food Processors

I've tried several over the years, and here's a list of a few that have really impressed me.

1. Thermomix: The giant of the market. If there's one food processor that everyone knows, it's this one. It's expensive, yes, but it's extremely versatile. If you're passionate about cooking and like to experiment, it's worth every penny.

2. Moulinex Cuisine Companion: This is a more affordable robot than the Thermomix, but no less capable for that. It has multiple functions and is quite easy to use. Plus, its price is more friendly to the wallet.

3. Cecotec Mambo: The choice for those looking for something very functional without spending a fortune. It has lots and lots of functions and is quite intuitive. Perfect for those who want something good, nice and cheap.

4. Kenwood Cooking Chef: This is for those who love to bake. In addition to the traditional functions, this robot lets you whisk, knead and bake. It's an all-in-one that will make you feel like a professional baker.

Myths and Realities of Kitchen Robots

Like everything in life, kitchen robots also have their share of myths. Here I debunk a few for you.

1. "They're only for people who can't cook." Lie. A food processor is for anyone who wants to make life easier in the kitchen. Whether you're a novice or an experienced chef, these appliances have something to offer you.

2. "They take up a lot of space." It depends on the model. Some do get quite large, but others are designed to take up less space. Also, think of all you save on other appliances: mixer, blender, steamer...

3. "They are difficult to use." False. Most modern food processors are designed with the user in mind. Yes, there are some more complex ones, but in general, they are quite intuitive.

4. "They are only good for cooking basic recipes." This is totally false. A good food processor can make anything from soup to soufflé. The limit is your imagination!

Is it worth investing in a food processor?

The short answer: Yes. But, as I told you before, it depends on what you're looking for. If you just want something that will help you blend or whisk, then a hand mixer will do. But if you want something that will really make your life easier in the kitchen, then a food processor is a great investment.

Remember that these appliances are not just for making fast food. They are also a great tool for exploring new recipes and techniques. I myself have learned to make things I never would have imagined thanks to my food processor.


A food processor can be your best friend in the kitchen, as long as you choose the right one for you. Don't get carried away just because of the price or the features that seem most impressive. Take the time to think about what you really need and look for the model that best suits you.

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