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What is a venture? From the experience of Amadeo Pérez

What is a venture? From the experience of Amadeo Pérez

Entrepreneurship is like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute... but with a pack of ideas in your hands and the hope that one of them will build you a wing before you reach the ground. It's not me saying it, it's the years I've been in this game. My name is Amadeo Pérez and, if there is something I have learned after several decades, is that entrepreneurship is not for everyone, but that does not mean it is impossible. It is a matter of desire, patience, resilience, and above all, learning to get up after falling.

But let's start with the basics: what is entrepreneurship?. Entrepreneurship means starting something new on your own, whether it's a business, a project or even a social cause. But, as you may well know, saying it is easy.

What is entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is creating something from scratch, with your own ideas, resources and time, with the aim of generating value, whether economic, social or personal. According to experts, entrepreneurship involves innovation, creativity and risk. Yes, you read that right, risk. Because nobody assures you that it will work.

Why take a risk? Because in times of crisis, such as when there is high unemployment or the economy is bad, often the only way out is to create your own source of income. I've experienced that myself on more than one occasion. In those moments, what drives you to become an entrepreneur is not only the need to make money, but also the opportunity to create something new and make a difference

Types of entrepreneurship

Not all entrepreneurships are the same. Here's a quick list of the most common ones so you know where you stand:

    1. Entrepreneurship: This is the most classic, that of setting up a for-profit business.
    2. Social entrepreneurship: Here the objective is not so much money, but to solve social or environmental problems. It is more about contributing a grain of sand to society.
    3. Cultural entrepreneurship: Projects that seek to preserve the cultural or artistic heritage of a community or country(((.

    How to start a venture?

    I'll tell you straight: it's not easy. To be an entrepreneur you need certain characteristics, and here I list them for you, based on both my experience and what the experts say.

    1. Resilience. If you don't know what this is, learn it fast, because you're going to need it. Entrepreneurship means failing over and over again until you hit the right key. It is a constant of falling down and getting up.
    2. Creativity. Problems? There will be plenty of them. And to get out of them, you'll need to be very creative. Creativity is not just a nice concept, it's a fundamental tool.
    3. Resources. Yes, I know, it's not always easy to have money or support. But if you don't have the basics to get started, you're going to get stuck very quickly. They recommend having at least 30% more resources than you think you'll need.
    4. Ability to take risks. You can't succeed without taking risks. Risk is in the very definition of entrepreneurship.

    Why is entrepreneurship important?

    Entrepreneurship is not only important on a personal level, but also for society and the economy. Entrepreneurs drive innovation, create jobs and energize the market. In difficult times, such as economic crises, entrepreneurs are what keep many local economies afloat.

    Entrepreneurship also promotes a culture of innovation, which is vital in a world that is changing at breakneck speed. If we don't adapt, we are doomed to be left behind.

    My experience as an entrepreneur

    If you had asked me 20 years ago, I would have told you that entrepreneurship was crazy. Today I would tell you it was the best thing I could have done. Sure, I had my bumps, and lots of them. But every mistake taught me a valuable lesson.

    Like when I set up my first online store and failed miserably. I learned that it's not just about having a good idea, but also knowing how to execute it, having a plan and surrounding yourself with supportive people.

    I've seen other entrepreneurs fall by the wayside, not because they lacked talent, but because they weren't prepared for the marathon. Because entrepreneurship is not a race of speed, but of endurance.


    In the end, is entrepreneurship worth it? My answer is a resounding yes. But don't be fooled, it's not for everyone. If you are willing to take a risk, learn from your mistakes and persist, then go for it. But if you're looking for an easy path, better look elsewhere.

    Entrepreneurship is for the brave, for those who are willing to dream big and work hard. And although the road is hard, I assure you that the rewards are immense.

    So, if after reading all this you still want to undertake, I welcome you to the club. Just get ready for the adventure of a lifetime.


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