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Digital Marketing Agencies: The Social Media Family. My life experience.

Digital Marketing Agencies: The Social Media Family. My life experience.

Let's see, my thing with digital marketing agencies is not a love story at first sight. For many years, I was dedicated to trying everything myself: Facebook, Twitter, even Instagram! As my grandmother would say, I was the marketing one-man band. But eventually, I realized that things weren't as simple as I thought they were. That's when I discovered The Social Media Family.

You know that feeling when everything suddenly clicks? That's what happened to me when I met this agency. And mind you, it's not that they are magicians or that everything is roses, but they definitely have a formula that works, and works very well.

What makes The Social Media Family unique?

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The first thing you need to know is that The Social Media Family is not your average agency. It's not the typical company that just fills you with nice words and then leaves you alone with your problems. No, these guys do an exhaustive study, get right into your business and start working with tailor-made strategies. No repetitive templates or standard solutions. Here everything is customized, from the content to the way you interact with your customers.

Ah, and they don't just manage your social networks like you would do on a Sunday after a few beers. No sir! They develop complete strategies, analyze user behavior and deliver reports that will blow your mind. And here I'm not just talking for the sake of talking, it's been several years since I've seen them publish their annual report on the use of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in Spain.

How do they work?

I'll tell you how they convinced me. I started with them when my business was in one of those "slow growth" phases, and you know how that goes, don't you? You're so desperate for things to get better that any promise sounds good to you. But they didn't promise me anything at first, at least not like other agencies. They clearly told me that in order to grow my business, they first needed to know more about it than I did myself. And therein lies the first trick.

The first thing they did was a thorough analysis of my audience. Who are my customers, what networks do they use, what time are they online. This is not throwing posts in the air and praying for likes; this is pure strategy. And that's where you start to see the value. They work with figures, with data, with pure science, almost as if they were digital marketing surgeons.

Flexible budget (but not cheap)

Do you think hiring an agency like The Social Media Family costs a couple of euros? Ha, no way. The minimum annual budget is 50,000 euros. While this may seem like a lot, they lay it out for you from the start: the budget you decide on directly influences the spectacularity of what you can achieve. What you pay for, you see reflected in real results. And this is where you start to notice the difference.

Also, if you don't reach those figures, don't worry, they also have more accessible solutions. They're not the type to slam the door in your face. On the contrary, they even guide you if you need more punctual strategies.

Audience research: your secret weapon

One service that particularly impressed me was the level of detail with which they analyze user behavior on social networks. Not only in my sector, but in all of Spain. The Social Media Family publishes a study every year on social network users in which they analyze Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in the 50 most populated cities. It's a gold mine of information, especially if you want to know how to target your audience effectively.

This study is not just anything. It is a reference in the industry and is downloaded by marketers, academics and students alike.

Why? Because there you find data that no other agency is going to give you for free. It's like having the game manual before you start playing.

What can you expect when working with them?

I'll be honest, if you're looking for an agency that does things for you on autopilot, this is not for you. Here you have to get involved, and believe me, it's worth it. When you work with The Social Media Family, they guide you through every step. From content creation to advertising campaigns, everything is done collaboratively. They don't just throw the project at you and ignore it; they are there with you all the time, adjusting and fine-tuning the strategy.

And it's not just theory. I saw results. It wasn't overnight, but after a few months, interactions on my networks grew exponentially. Sales, of course, also went up, and all thanks to that combination of deep analytics and customized strategies.

Who is The Social Media Family ideal for?

This agency is designed for companies that want a solid, data-driven approach to their social media presence. If you have a small business that is taking its first steps in the digital world, it's probably not the best option, as its focus is geared more towards medium and large companies with investment capacity. However, if you are willing to invest in your business, believe me that the results will exceed your expectations.

It doesn't matter if you are in education, commerce or even technology. The Social Media Family has worked with companies of all sizes and sectors, always with the same mentality: data first, strategy later.

So now you know, if you really want your business to grow and conquer the digital world as it should, I recommend you keep an eye on them. And if you decide to take the plunge, get ready for a journey that will change your life.

In short, The Social Media Family will not only help you improve your presence in networks, but will teach you how to do it effectively and sustainably in the long term.


In the world of digital marketing, there are many agencies that promise results. But few that actually deliver it with the level of customization and analysis that The Social Media Family offers. From the first call to the last results report, this is an agency that puts the focus on what matters: growing your business through strategies that work.

So, if you're ready to take the next step in your business, and you're willing to invest in your growth, The Social Media Family is without a doubt the best option.

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