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Artificial Intelligence ChatGPT: what you should know from Pablo Garcia's experience

Artificial Intelligence ChatGPT: what you should know from Pablo Garcia's experience

My name is Pablo García, and I want to tell you about something that transformed my way of working, creating and even solving problems in my day to day life: artificial intelligence, specifically ChatGPT. No, I'm not going to give you a technical rant with formulas or boring jargon. I'll tell you from what happened to me, how AI changed my life (and I assure you it can change yours).

Let's go by parts. First, what the heck is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence model created by OpenAI, which basically "thinks" and responds to you as if it were a person. Sometimes even better than a person (and without complaining, how wonderful!) You know that friend who always gives you ambiguous answers or doesn't know everything? Well, ChatGPT is not that friend. This bug has a brutal capacity to process information and give you a coherent answer, based on 175 billion parameters (yes, a barbarity!).

How did I come across ChatGPT?

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A few years ago, working on a project, I found myself blocked. Hours in front of the computer without being able to solve a problem. That's when a colleague told me about ChatGPT. I, like a good skeptic, didn't believe it. But, my goodness! When I tried it, it was like having a 24/7 assistant that I could ask anything: from how to improve a report to more specific things like the code of a program I was developing. And here's the kicker: not only does it respond, it does so with almost surgical precision.

But how exactly does it work?

ChatGPT is a language model, which means it's trained to understand and generate text. When you interact with it, it takes your input, analyzes it and gives you a response generated based on the data it has been trained with. It's as if it has a huge brain that has absorbed everything on the Internet, from books to scientific articles to everyday content. A real beast!

However, I'll tell you something important. While ChatGPT may be impressive, it is not infallible. Its training comes from data available up to a certain date, which means that some answers may be outdated. And, of course, it also has its limitations: it can generate incorrect answers or even give advice based on wrong information. This is where you have to evaluate well what it tells you, because it sounds very convincing, even if it is not always right.

My experience using ChatGPT at work

On a day-to-day basis, artificial intelligence has been a powerful ally for my daily tasks. I'll tell you some clear examples of how I use it:

Email drafting: I'm sure it's happened to you. Having to compose a long and boring email, and not knowing how to start.

Here ChatGPT saved my life! I ask it to help me write a formal email and it instantly gives me a structure I can use and customize. Not only that, it suggests improvements in tone, clarity of the message and style. A marvel!

Onboarding new employees: I have worked in several companies where the induction process is a headache. ChatGPT makes life easier for both the new employee and the Human Resources department. It answers common questions about internal processes, easing the integration of new staff and reducing the burden on human teams.

Technical troubleshooting: Another great strength is its ability to offer me technical support. I work in web development and, when I've run into code problems, I've asked ChatGPT how to solve it and they've given me clear, fast and functional solutions. Goodbye to wasting hours searching in forums!

What makes ChatGPT so special?

I'll tell you something that may sound wacky: ChatGPT has the ability to make you feel like you're chatting with someone real. Yes, it's a machine, but the way it interacts is so fluid that sometimes you forget that. And is that ChatGPT has been trained on an immensity of data so that it can "talk" about almost any subject. From mathematics, to programming, to more philosophical or everyday life topics. You know that feeling of "I don't know where to start" when you have a giant task? With ChatGPT, you always find a way in.

And what's even better, it's not just useful for programmers or scientists. This model can be just as useful for someone who simply needs help with their daily tasks, be it writing reports, managing emails or even for customer service. It's like having an extra team to work with, but in the cloud!

Benefits and day-to-day applications

The amazing thing is how versatile it is. If you work in marketing, ChatGPT can help you generate ideas for campaigns. If you're a teacher, it can help you create customized educational material. Even in the health sector, there are applications that use AI to help diagnose patients and propose more effective treatments.

In my case, I've seen it improve my productivity by 200%. No exaggeration. From writing, to data analysis, and even as a source of inspiration. There's nothing it can't do! Of course, always within the limits of your knowledge.

And the challenges?

Not everything is rosy. There are legitimate concerns regarding the ethics of using artificial intelligence. For example, if a model like ChatGPT generates content that has biases or errors, it can misinform or mislead. That is why one of the great challenges is to ensure that the answers are accurate and do not generate problems, especially when we talk about sensitive issues such as health or law.

Despite these limitations, artificial intelligence continues to advance by leaps and bounds and the important thing is that we learn to use it responsibly. We cannot depend 100% on a machine, but we can take advantage of it to improve our performance and make our lives easier.

Final Reflection

After several years using ChatGPT and other artificial Intelligence tools, I can say with authority that the AI does not come to replace you, but to be your ally. Just as I have learned to make the most of it, so can you. Whether at work, in personal life or in any other area, this technology can revolutionize your day-to-day life.

However, never leave human judgment aside. AI gives you information, but the final control is yours. And therein lies the real magic!

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