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Ministry of Education Grants: Everything you need to know from my personal experience

Ministry of Education Grants: Everything you need to know from my personal experience

When we talk about scholarships from the Ministry of Education in Spain, I tell you it's not just anything. No, sir. We are talking about an opportunity that can change your life, and I say this with full knowledge of the facts. Throughout my educational stage, from high school to university, I have been one of those lucky ones who have been able to benefit from these grants. So, if you are thinking of applying for them, I am going to tell you everything you need to know and a little more, from my personal experience.

What are the Ministry of Education scholarships?

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Let's get to the point. The Ministry of Education scholarships are grants awarded by the Spanish state to students at different educational levels, from secondary education to university studies and beyond. These scholarships have a very clear objective: to ensure that no student has to abandon their studies for economic reasons. And here's the best part: it doesn't matter if your grades are not brilliant, as long as you meet certain academic and economic requirements, there is a scholarship that can be for you!

The scholarships are divided into several modalities, general scholarships for non-university studies such as High School or Vocational Training, scholarships for university studies and also educational support grants for those with specific needs, such as students with disabilities or high abilities. In addition, there are fixed and variable amounts depending on the situation of each student.

My first steps with scholarships

I remember that my first contact with a scholarship from the Ministry of Education was during high school. The family economy was not doing very well and, honestly, I was not sure if I could continue studying. It was then that I discovered the fixed-rate scholarship, a grant that you can get if your family income is below certain limits.

This fixed grant is 1,700 euros, and for me it was a salvation. With that I was able to pay for books, transportation and even treat myself (because hey, it's not all about studying). What I learned from this first experience is that scholarships are not only for geniuses, but for people who, like me, need an economic push to move forward.

Types of scholarships you can apply for

Here is where it gets interesting. There are several types of scholarships that the Ministry of Education offers, and not all of them are the same. Depending on your academic and economic situation, you could opt for one or more of these:

Enrollment scholarship: This is key if you are in college, as this scholarship covers the credits in which you are enrolling for the first time. If you've ever paid university tuition, you know this is no small thing.

Basic grant: For non-university studies, such as Baccalaureate or FP, and is between 300 and 350 euros depending on the course.

Fixed amount linked to income: If your family does not exceed the income threshold, you are eligible for a grant of 1.700 euros, as happened to me.

Fixed amount linked to residence: If you have to live away from home, you can get 2,500 euros to cover your rental expenses.

Fixed amount linked to excellence: Here you really have to be a cracker. If your grades are 8.00 or higher, you can receive between 50 and 125 euros extra. It is not much, but it always comes in handy.

Variable amount: This is the one that is distributed after all the other scholarships are awarded, and its value depends on your family income and your academic performance.

Requirements to access the scholarships

Now, not all the mountain is oregano. To access these scholarships, there are some requirements that you have to meet, and not all of them are the same. Basically, they are divided into two types: economic and academic. Let's break them down.

Economic requirements

The Ministry of Education establishes income thresholds that you cannot exceed if you want to receive a scholarship. These thresholds are divided into three levels, and depending on where your family is located, you will have access to a greater or lesser amount of aid. To give you an idea, threshold 1 is the lowest and entitles you to the fixed amount for income, the fixed amount for residence and the matriculation grant. On the other hand, if you are in threshold 3, you will only be entitled to the basic grant.

Academic requirements

Here is a little more leeway, but beware, you cannot rest on your laurels. Depending on the level of studies, they will ask you for a minimum grade to keep the scholarship. For example, at university they require you to have passed at least 65% of the credits enrolled, and in non-university studies, such as FP or Bachillerato, you must pass the course.

Something I always recommend is that, even if you meet the minimum requirements, don't settle for the basics. The better your academic performance, the higher your scholarship will be. I tell you from experience.

How to apply for a scholarship from the Ministry of Education

This is a crucial step. You can do the whole application process online through the website of the Ministry of Education. The call for the 2024-2025 academic year, for example, was open from March to May, but the deadline varies every year, so I recommend you keep an eye on the dates.

You will have to complete a form in which you will be asked for personal, academic and economic data. My advice is not to leave it to the last minute, as you may need some documents that you do not have on hand and lose time. When you have everything ready, sign it electronically and that's it. Then you just have to wait for the resolution.

What happens if I don't get the scholarship?

I'm not going to lie: this can happen. If your circumstances change, or if you don't meet the requirements, you may not be awarded the scholarship. But don't worry, because you can always reclaim. In my second year of university I was denied because of an error in the data I had provided about my family income. I made the claim and, although it took a while, they finally granted it.

The key is not to give up, even if everything doesn't work out as you expected the first time around.


In short, the Ministry of Education scholarships are an incredibly powerful tool to ensure that we all have access to a quality education, regardless of our economic circumstances. From my personal experience, I can say that without them, I probably would not have made it to where I am today.

If you are thinking about applying for a scholarship, do it without hesitation. The process may be somewhat tedious, and you may have to wade through paperwork up and down, but in the end, believe me, it's worth it. And don't forget that, just like in life, you also have to be ready to adapt when it comes to scholarships, because the regulations change every year.

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