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MR Robotics: Industrial and Creative Revolution According to Rubén Águila

MR Robotics: Industrial and Creative Revolution According to Rubén Águila

If I tell you MR Robotics, you might think of robots with artificial intelligence or those mechanical arms from factories. Wrong! Although it sounds similar, here we are talking about a technology that mixes the physical with the virtual: Mixed Reality (MR) or Mixed Reality, for friends.

You may wonder how I know that. Well, MR Robotics has been a part of my life since I started exploring mixed reality a few years ago. And, since then, I've seen how this technology has transformed the landscape of several industries. From factories, to artistic experiences, MR has managed to bring together the best of both worlds: the physical and the digital.

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Let's take it one step at a time. What the heck is MR Robotics? Mixed Reality refers to the integration of virtual elements into our physical environment. Imagine wearing glasses, looking around and seeing virtual objects floating, but you can interact with them as if they were real. Fascinating, isn't it!. Companies like Microsoft with its HoloLens and Magic Leap are pushing this field forward, allowing both artists and engineers to unleash their creativity. Those at Microsoft HoloLens use it for business issues, while Magic Leap focuses on creativity and art.

How Does It Affect Industry?

I'll tell you about my experience in the industrial field. In a factory where I collaborated, we implemented MR Robotics to improve quality control. And what a difference it made! Before, technicians had to manually check each component of a machine, but now with a pair of MR glasses and a couple of movements, they already had all the information at their fingertips. That's where I realized the brutal potential of MR in the industrial sector. We saved time, money, and errors dropped considerably.

Companies like Renault Trucks are also on the RM train. They, along with Immersion, have used this technology to improve efficiency in their plants. And the most mind-blowing thing is how MR is not only making things easier in the physical world, but also breaking creative barriers. For example, I saw how Magic Leap collaborated with the band Sigur Ros to create an interactive experience called Tónandi, where the user can manipulate music with their hands and see how the sounds interact with their virtual environment.

The Tools That Are Revolutionizing Play

It's not all magic. Behind RM there are powerful tools that are making it possible for this technology to become widespread. Platforms like Apple's ARKit and Facebook's AR Studio allow developers to create content easily, which is driving the popularization of this technology.

But beware. If you're thinking of buying MR glasses, you need to know that there are different levels. The more affordable ones like the Oculus Go are great to start with, but if you want something serious, Magic Leap will set you back a cool $2,295.

What's Coming in the Future?

When MR starts to integrate artificial intelligence and big data more deeply, we're going to see even more impressive advances. Companies around the world are investing in RM because they recognize the potential it has to revolutionize entire industries.

For example, in a survey conducted by Toshiba, it was estimated that 82% of companies plan to use smart AR glasses in the next three years. This is not a fad, RM is here to stay, and with equipment prices slowly dropping, we will see more and more people and companies adopting this technology.

The Impact of RM on Everyday Life

And don't think that RM only stays in factories or experimental art projects. Education, healthcare and even entertainment are being transformed by RM. Imagine being able to study anatomy with holograms that you can touch or receive a medical consultation where the doctor projects a virtual image of your organs to better explain your diagnosis. So yes, if you are a doctor, teacher, artist or just a technologically curious person, get ready for a future where mixed reality will be part of your day-to-day life.


What I have learned in my journey with MR Robotics is that the combination of the physical and virtual worlds is the future. Not only in the industrial field, but in all sectors of our lives. Increasingly, MR technologies allow us to interact more fluidly with the environment, making processes more efficient and opening the doors to endless creative possibilities.

So if you are thinking of giving MR Robotics a try, I can assure you that you won't regret it. The future is now, and mixed reality will be the engine that drives the next technological revolution.

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