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Master's Degree in Computer Systems


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About this course

This Master in Computer Systems is aimed at all those people who are dedicated to the world of computing and communications, more specifically to computer systems, within the professional area of systems and telematics and who intend to obtain k...

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University degree

1500 h


5 ECTS (Créditos)


Qualification of Master's Degree in Computer Systems

Multiple Qualifications: - Master's Degree in Computer Systems with 1500 hours issued by EUROINNOVA INTERNATIONAL ONLINE EDUCATION, member of the AEEN (Spanish Association of Business Schools) and recognized with academic excellence in online education by QS World University Rankings - University Degree in Microcomputer Systems and Networks with 5 ECTS University Credits. Continuing Education for public administration job vacancies and competitive examinations.

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Classify the functions and characteristics of the base software for the operation of a microcomputer system.


Apply processes of installation and configuration of operating systems to activate the functionality of the computer equipment, according to specifications received.


Update the operating system of a computer system to include new functionalities and solve security problems, according to technical specifications.


Use the applications provided by the operating systems, to operate it according to technical specifications.


Identify the physical components of the computer system detailing their connections and main indicators of operation and status to obtain adequate operating parameters, according to established specifications.


Manipulate the types of consumable material associating them to the physical devices, to guarantee their functionality, according to technical specifications.





Entre el material entregado en este curso se adjunta un documento llamado Guía del Alumno dónde aparece un horario de tutorías telefónicas y una dirección de e-mail dónde podrá enviar sus consultas, dudas y ejercicios. Además recibirá los materiales didácticos que incluye el curso para poder consultarlos en cualquier momento y conservarlos una vez finalizado el mismo.La metodología a seguir es ir avanzando a lo largo del itinerario de aprendizaje online, que cuenta con una serie de temas y ejercicios. Para su evaluación, el alumno/a deberá completar todos los ejercicios propuestos en el curso. La titulación será remitida al alumno/a por correo una vez se haya comprobado que ha completado el itinerario de aprendizaje satisfactoriamente.


What does it prepare you for?

This Master in Computer Systems prepares you to acquire the necessary knowledge to know the installation and updating of operating systems, the exploitation of the functionalities of the microcomputer system, the maintenance and inventory of the physical subsystem, the monitoring of the access to the computer system and the backup and restoration of the information.


Who is it aimed at?

This Master in Computer Systems is aimed at all those people who are dedicated to the world of computing and communications, more specifically to computer systems, within the professional area of systems and telematics and who intend to obtain knowledge related to the installation and updating of operating systems, the exploitation of the functionalities of the microcomputer system, the maintenance and inventory of the physical subsystem, the monitoring of access to the computer system and the backup and restoration of information.


Career opportunities

The Master in Computer Systems prepares students to develop their professional activity both on their own account and on behalf of others in companies or public or private entities of any size, which have computer equipment for their management, and in companies or computer departments.

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