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University Extension Diploma in Private Investigation


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This University Extension Diploma in Private Detective is aimed at those interested in obtaining a university degree issued by the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca that accredits their knowledge and skills as a professional specialized in the...

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University degree

1800 h



Qualification of University Extension Diploma in Private Investigation

Academic Certificate Issued by the Institute of Education Sciences of the Pontifical University of Salamanca, with a course load of 180 credits (1800 h). Qualification recognized by the Ministry of Interior for the exercise of the professional activity "Resolution of the Ministry of Interior of accreditation of the course as sufficient qualification for the purposes of qualification as a Private Detective dated July 13, 2020".

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To know the regulatory framework governing Private Security.


To achieve the capacity objectives set by the Secretary of State for Security.


To learn the contents of law and criminalization by which the profession of Private Detective is governed.


To study the deontological rights for the fulfillment of the duty as a professional.





Con nuestra metodología de aprendizaje online, el alumno comienza su andadura en INESEM Business School a través de un campus virtual diseñado exclusivamente para desarrollar el itinerario formativo con el objetivo de mejorar su perfil profesional. El alumno debe avanzar de manera autónoma a lo largo de las diferentes unidades didácticas así como realizar las actividades y autoevaluaciones correspondientes. La carga de horas de la acción formativa comprende las diferentes actividades que el alumno realiza a lo largo de su itinerario. Las horas de teleformación realizadas en el Campus Virtual se complementan con el trabajo autónomo del alumno, la comunicación con el docente, las actividades y lecturas complementarias y la labor de investigación y creación asociada a los proyectos. Para obtener la titulación el alumno debe aprobar todas la autoevaluaciones y exámenes y visualizar al menos el 75% de los contenidos de la plataforma. Por último, es necesario notificar la finalización de la acción formativa desde la plataforma para comenzar la expedición del título.


What does it prepare you for?

At the end of the University Extension Diploma of Private Detective, you will have the necessary knowledge for the profession in all its branches. Within the apprenticeship you will learn to move in constitutional, criminal, procedural, civil, labor, commercial or general administrative law. Acquiring deontological knowledge, as well as theoretical investigation techniques and practical application.


Who is it aimed at?

This University Extension Diploma in Private Detective is aimed at those interested in obtaining a university degree issued by the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca that accredits their knowledge and skills as a professional specialized in the area of private security, as a private detective and its specifications. The minimum access requirements are to have a Baccalaureate, FP of Medium or Higher Grade, University Access, University Access over 25, University Access over 45, graduates in Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO), graduate in Secondary Education for Adults or passing the Higher Grade Access Test.


Career opportunities

With the University Extension Diploma in Private Detective accredited by the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca you will be able to enter professions such as security director, independent private detective or worker in a security company, security guard, in addition to performing functions of escort, debtor investigation, solvency, turnover, Airport Surveillance, Surveillance with X-Ray Apparatus, Surveillance in Shopping Centers, Surveillance in Hospitals, Surveillance in Sporting Events and Public Shows, Surveillance of Historical and Artistic Heritage, Surveillance of Security Transport, Surveillance in Housing Estates, Industrial Estates, Transport and Public Spaces, Surveillance in Alarm Service, etc. Also being Professional Accreditation for National Police, Local Police, Civil Guard, Mossos de Escuadra, Ertxaintsxa or Policia Foral.

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