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Continuing Education Course in Nursing Assistant in Mental Health and Drug Addiction


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The Mental Health and Drug Addiction Nursing Assistant Course is aimed at professionals in the health sector who want to update their knowledge. It is also aimed at students who want to train to develop their working life working as a nursing as...

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University degree

200 h


8 ECTS (Créditos)


Qualification of Continuing Education Course in Nursing Assistant in Mental Health and Drug Addiction

Own Title of Permanent Training Course in Nursing Assistant in Mental Health and Drug Addiction issued by the European University Miguel de Cervantes accredited with 8 University Credits.

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Know the importance of basic nursing care to understand the different psychic or drug addictive alterations that can be observed in an individual.


Train the student to perform support work in hospitals, residences, or day centers.


The student will study the work of the nursing assistant from a health perspective: wound care, material replacement, application of bandages, medication administration techniques, etc.





Entre el material entregado en este curso se adjunta un documento llamado Guía del Alumno dónde aparece un horario de tutorías telefónicas y una dirección de e-mail donde podrá enviar sus consultas, dudas y ejercicios. Los materiales son de tipo monográfico, de sencilla lectura y de carácter eminentemente práctico. La metodología a seguir se basa en leer el manual teórico, a la vez que se responden las distintas cuestiones que se adjuntan al final de cada bloque temático. Para su evaluación, el alumno/a deberá hacernos llegar en el sobre de franqueo en destino, el "Cuaderno de Ejercicios" que se adjunta. La titulación será remitida al alumno/a por correo, una vez se haya comprobado el nivel de satisfacción previsto (75% del total de las respuestas).


What does it prepare you for?

The present Mental Health Course prepares you to acquire the necessary competences regarding the specialized care of the patient with psychic disorders or drug addictions. As well as to learn the basic care of the nursing assistant and the correct communication and patient care.


Who is it aimed at?

The Mental Health and Drug Addiction Nursing Assistant Course is aimed at professionals in the health sector who want to update their knowledge. It is also aimed at students who want to train to develop their working life working as a nursing assistant.


Career opportunities

After completing this Mental Health and Drug Addiction Course for Nursing Assistants, you can develop your activity both on your own and integrated in companies, as well as in education, health, auxiliary care and socio-community services. You will be able to specialize your nursing training in this area and develop professionally working in mental health.

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