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El Economista: An Intimate and Uninhibited View

El Economista: An Intimate and Uninhibited View

Hello, dear reader! I'm Amadeo Pérez, and today I want to talk to you about a figure that, although sometimes seems to be taken from another planet, is more earthly than you imagine: the economist. Yes, that character that many see as an enigmatic being, surrounded by numbers and incomprehensible theories. But what really is an economist? What role does he/she play in our society? Join me on this journey and we'll find out together.

What is an Economist?

An economist is, in essence, a professional dedicated to the study of economics. But, wait! Don't go to sleep yet. Economics isn't just that boring subject in school. It's the science that analyzes how goods and services are produced, distributed and consumed. In other words, economists try to decipher how the world works in terms of money, resources and welfare.

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My Encounter with Economics

Let me tell you a personal anecdote. When I was young, I thought economics was only for bankers and people in suits. One day, at a university talk, I met Deirdre McCloskey, a leading economist and historian.

She told me something that changed my perspective: "Economics is not just about money, it's about people and their decisions."

She told me something that changed my perspective: "Economics is not just about money, it's about people and their decisions. That phrase made me understand that economics is everywhere, from deciding what to buy at the supermarket to the policies that affect millions.

The Role of the Economist in Society

Economists don't just sit in offices making complicated calculations. Their work has a direct impact on our lives. For example:

  • Public Policy: They advise governments to design policies that promote economic growth and social welfare.
  • Companies: They help companies understand the market, forecast trends and make strategic decisions.
  • Education: Many are involved in teaching, training future generations in this vital science.

Demystifying the Economist

There is a belief that economists are cold and calculating. But, in fact, many of them have a humanistic outlook. Deirdre McCloskey, for example, argues that large states can limit personal growth, advocating a society of mature, responsible individuals.

The Economy in Our Everyday Life

You may think economics is far away, but it's closer than you imagine. When you decide to save for a vacation, you are doing economic planning. When you compare prices in the marketplace, you're analyzing supply and demand.Congratulations! You have an economist inside you.

The Future of Economics

We live in times of constant change. Globalization, technology and health crises have transformed our economic reality. Economists are on the front lines, trying to anticipate and mitigate the effects of these changes. Their work is crucial to building a more just and prosperous future.


Next time you hear the word "economist," don't think of someone distant and removed from your reality. Think of people committed to understanding and improving the world we live in. And remember, economics is not just a science of numbers, but of human decisions.

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