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Total Health: The Path to Total Wellness

Total Health: The Path to Total Wellness

Let's be clear from the beginning: total health is not something you can buy in a pharmacy or get with a magic pill. Total health is the result of a process, a balanced mix between physical, mental and social wellness. It's an approach I've learned over the years, through personal stumbles and victories.

Have you ever wondered why, even though you're physically fit, you feel bad emotionally? It's because health is not just the absence of disease, as the World Health Organization (WHO) rightly mentions. Total health means feeling good in all aspects, from your body to your mind and, of course, your social environment.

What is Total Health?

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Imagine this: you wake up in the morning, stress-free, pain-free and looking forward to eating the world. That's what we're looking for with total health. We're not just talking about taking care of the body, although it's an essential part. We're talking about something broader, something that encompasses your mental health, your social relationships and how you feel about yourself.

If you only worry about avoiding getting sick and neglect your emotions, your mental well-being or how you relate to others, you're losing sight of the true definition of health. What good is it to have a perfect diet if you can't sleep because of stress? Or what's the point of having an athletic body if you're lonely and don't feel connected to others?

The Three Pillars of Total Health

1. Physical Health: Taking Care of the Body

The body is the temple, the vehicle with which we move through this world. If it is not well cared for, the rest falls apart. But beware, it's not all about exercising yourself to death or eating only salads.

  • Regular exercise: You don't have to spend hours in the gym, but it's vital to move your body. Have you heard of yoga or Pilates? These exercises not only strengthen the body, but balance the mind(.
  • Adequate nutrition: Eating right is not just about counting calories. It's about giving the body the nutrients it needs. A varied diet, with protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats, can do wonders for your physical well-being(.
  • Sleep well: If you're not getting enough sleep, neither the best diet nor the best exercise will help. Sleep is the best ally of physical health(.

2. Mental Health: Psychological Wellness

I've gone through days when stress had me on the verge of collapse. Those days I realized that taking care of the mind is as important as taking care of the body.

  • Stress Management: Life is a roller coaster, we know. But you have to learn to manage it so you don't sink into anxiety(.
  • Attention to mental health: If you break your arm, you go to the doctor, right? Well, the same should go for the mind. If you feel you can't handle something, talk to a specialist, because mental health should not be ignored(.

3. Social Health: Your Relationships Matter

This is an aspect that we often overlook. Having good relationships with others is essential to your well-being. Feeling part of a community, whether it's your family, friends or co-workers, is key to maintaining emotional stability.

  • Social connections: Surrounding yourself with supportive people, with whom you can share your successes and failures, gives you a different perspective on life. Loneliness not only affects your mental health, but also your physical health.
  • Mutual support: It is not only about receiving support, but also about giving it. This creates a win-win dynamic of emotional balance(.

Habits to Achieve Total Health

Over the years I have found that success in total health is not about doing everything perfect. It's about finding a balance. Here some key habits:

  1. Listen to your body: If you're tired, rest. If you have energy, move. Do not force what is not natural.
  2. Disconnect from daily stress: Technology keeps us tied to screens, which generates anxiety and stress. Dedicate time to yourself.
  3. Cultivate healthy relationships: Make an effort to keep close the people who do you good and stay away from those who detract(.
  4. Do things that make you happy: Spend time on activities you enjoy, whether it's reading, walking, dancing or whatever. This is essential to your emotional well-being(.

Conclusion: Your Health, Your Responsibility

Total health is an achievable goal, but it requires dedication. It's not about being 100% healthy every day, but about doing your best to take care of every aspect of your life.

So I tell you from the bottom of my heart: Start today. Care for your body, protect your mind and nurture your relationships. Total health is not a destination, it's a journey, and I promise you it's worth the journey.

It's not a destination, it's a journey.

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