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Employment Office: What they never tell you, explained by Amadeo Pérez

Employment Office: What they never tell you, explained by Amadeo Pérez

If there is something I have learned in life, after going through several employment offices and at different critical moments of my career, is that there is much more behind these offices than simple bureaucratic procedures! The first thing you should know is that the employment office is not only to go to stamp the unemployment (although many people think so!). It is a key resource for those who really want to reinsert themselves in the world of work or improve their current situation.

I've been there more than once, and believe me, the difference between taking advantage of what they offer or simply completing a formality is abysmal!

What is an employment office?

The employment office in Spain is a meeting point between workers and companies. Although we tend to call it that generically, it is actually part of the State Public Employment Service (SEPE), and its main function is to be the place where citizens can seek employment, receive guidance and access training programs and unemployment benefits.

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I remember the first time I went to an employment office. I was in that typical situation of not knowing which direction to take, and although I felt a bit lost, the guidance I received changed my perspective completely. Not only did they help me find a job, but they also offered me training courses that I didn't even know existed.

Services that an employment office offers you

This is where I want you to open your eyes wide: the employment office is not a place to complete the paperwork and that's it. It's much more! Over the years, I have used its services to reorient my professional career and acquire new skills. I'll tell you what are the main services you can take advantage of:

    1. Job search: It's not just about sealing unemployment. You can actively search for job offers that fit your profile. In fact, the SEPE maintains a database of available jobs.
    2. Professional training: This is one of my favorites! Through the employment office, you can access free courses that allow you to improve your skills and adapt to market demands.
    3. Personalized career guidance: If you don't know where to start, employment offices offer you a career guidance service. They help you discover your strengths, analyze your possibilities and define a career plan.
    4. Unemployment benefits and allowances: If you find yourself in a situation of unemployment, the office also manages everything related to unemployment benefits and offers advice on other assistance available.

    Registering with the employment office: the first step you must take

    To take full advantage of everything an employment office has to offer, you must be registered. This process, which in other times was bureaucratic and cumbersome, is now simpler. You can do it in person or directly through the SEPE website. Once registered, you have access not only to job offers, but also to personalized job alerts, courses and training programs.

    But watch out! Here comes the important part: registering is not enough. You have to be active in your job search and take advantage of resources. I know people who, by not being vigilant, have missed out on incredible opportunities.

    Training courses: your key to the future!

    I can't stop talking about this because for me it was a breath of fresh air when I needed it most. Through the employment office, I accessed training courses that allowed me to reinvent myself professionally. From programming courses to soft skills, everything you could possibly need to become more competitive is available!

    My personal advice: don't underestimate it

    Throughout my life, I learned that an employment office can be a powerful resource if you know how to use it. Don't make the mistake of many who only see it as a place to complete paperwork. If you are in a unemployment situation or want to improve your employability, this is your space to grow and get ahead.

    And I tell you something else, when you take advantage of all the resources, courses, counseling and others, you see the difference. I myself was able to get my career back on track thanks to those training courses and the job offers that came directly from the SEPE database.

    I was able to get my career back on track thanks to those training courses and the job offers that came directly from the SEPE database.

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