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SEO Positioning: Everything You Need to Know to Master It

SEO Positioning: Everything You Need to Know to Master It

Hello, I'm Carlos Hidalgo, and today I'm going to tell you everything you need to know about SEO positioning. I've been in the SEO world longer than I'd like to admit (and believe me, I've seen it all), so what I'm going to tell you here is not theory out of a textbook, but pure practice and field experience.

What is SEO Positioning?

Before we start, let's clarify concepts. The Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the set of techniques and strategies we use to improve the visibility of a website in search engines like Google. The goal is simple: to appear in the top positions of organic search results for relevant key terms.

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But beware, here we are not talking about just any terms, but those that really matter. The terms that your audience is looking for. Because, what's the point of being the king in searches if no one searches for what you offer?

Why SEO is Important?

Can you imagine having the most beautiful store in the world, with the best products, but hidden in an alley where no one finds it? That's what happens to your website if you don't have a good SEO strategy. Without SEO, your website simply doesn't exist for most people.

Search engines are the main traffic acquisition channel for most websites. Appearing in the top positions of Google is not a luxury, it is a necessity. According to recent studies, 75% of users never get past the first page of results, so if you're not there, you're practically invisible.

The Basics of SEO: A Quick Overview

For those of you who are new to SEO, let's be clear that this is not magic. SEO is based on fundamental pillars that any online business must master:

  1. Keyword Research: This is the cornerstone of SEO. You must identify the keywords your audience is using to find products or services like yours.
  2. On-Page Optimization: Here we get into the code of your website. Title tags, meta descriptions, headings (H1, H2, H3), and the general structure of the content must be optimized so that search engines can read and understand what your page is about.
  3. Quality Content: And here there are no shortcuts. Google values relevant, useful and up-to-date content. Write for people, not search engines, but make sure search engines can understand and value that content.
  4. Link Building: Links to your site are like votes of confidence. The more quality links pointing to your site, the better your ranking.

Trends in SEO for 2024: What You Can't Ignore

S SEO is constantly evolving. If you're still doing the same thing you were doing five years ago, you're in trouble. The rules of the game change, and if you don't adapt, you'll lose ground. Here are some of the key SEO trends for 2024 that you can't ignore:

  1. SEO Local and Voice Searches: With the rise of mobile devices and voice assistants like Siri and Alexa, voice search is becoming a battleground. Make sure your business is optimized for local and voice searches. Use longer, more conversational phrases in your content to capture these types of queries.
  2. Core Web Vitals and User Experience (UX): Since 2021, Google has made it clear that user experience is crucial. Factors such as loading speed, interactivity (First Input Delay), and visual stability (Cumulative Layout Shift) are now part of the content ranking algorithm, they have become critical elements to keep your website in the top positions. If your page is slow or has elements that move unexpectedly while loading, your ranking will suffer. Be sure to optimize your site for these metrics, known as Core Web Vitals.
  3. E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness): The expertise, authority and trustworthiness of your content are more important than ever. Google is increasingly focused on making sure that the information it provides to users is of high quality and comes from trusted sources. If you are in sensitive niches such as health, finance or legal, it is essential that you demonstrate your authority and knowledge on the subject
  4. Google BERT and Natural Language Understanding: Google continues to improve its ability to understand the context of searches thanks to its BERT algorithm. This means that writing optimized content is no longer just a matter of using the right keywords, but of understanding user intent and writing content that actually answers their questions
  5. SEO for Videos: Video content is booming, and if you're not taking advantage of it, you're missing out on a huge opportunity. Videos not only capture the attention of users, but they can also improve your SEO, especially if you optimize the titles, descriptions and tags of your videos on platforms like YouTube.

The Role of Content in SEO

If I've learned anything over the years, it's that content is still king. But not just any content, but content that really adds value. As Google's algorithms become more sophisticated, it becomes more evident that it's not enough to just stuff your website with keywords. You need to create content that is relevant, useful and answers the questions of your users.

Think of your content as the primary tool for establishing your authority in your niche. It's not just about attracting visitors, it's about converting those visitors into loyal customers. To achieve this, you must:

  • Create evergreen content: This means content that is relevant over time. Articles that, even if years go by, are still useful and generate traffic.
  • Optimize existing content: You don't always need to create something new. Sometimes, it's enough to update and improve what you already have. Adding new sections, including recent data or improving readability can breathe new life into an old post.
  • Include multimedia content: Long texts can be tiring, so enrich them with images, videos, infographics, and other elements that make the experience more interactive and visual.

Link Building: More Than Just Getting Links

Talking about SEO without mentioning link building would be like talking about soccer without mentioning the ball. Links pointing to your site are one of the most powerful ranking factors out there. However, it's not just about quantity, but the quality of those links.

Here are some tips for a successful link building strategy:

  • Prioritize quality over quantity: One link from a high authority website is worth more than a hundred from low quality sites.
  • Look for natural links: Google is very good at detecting when a link is forced or paid. It is best to get links naturally, for example, by creating content so good that other sites want to link to it.
  • Use guest blogging: Writing on other people's blogs can be a great way to earn links and, at the same time, increase your visibility in your niche.

Essential Tools for SEO

Like any good professional, you need your tools. SEO is not just a matter of applying intuition, but using data to make informed decisions. Some of the must-have tools in your arsenal are:

    • Google Analytics and Search Console: These are basic. Google gives you a detailed view of how users find and use your site.
    • SEMrush or Ahrefs: For competition analysis, site audits, and keyword research. They are paid tools, but worth every penny.
    • Yoast SEO: If you use WordPress, this plugin is almost mandatory. It helps you optimize every page and post for SEO, as well as offering suggestions on how to improve readability.


    The SEO positioning is a fascinating and ever-changing field. What worked yesterday may not be enough tomorrow. That's why my best advice is to never stop learning. Keep up with the latest trends, try new strategies, and above all, put your users first. If you do that, the search engines will reward you as well.

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