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Appointment for a Job Application: The Definitive Guide

Appointment for a Job Application: The Definitive Guide

Hello! I'm Amadeo Pérez, and today I want to share with you everything you need to know about the pre-appointment for the job application. Throughout my life, I have had to manage this process on several occasions, and I can tell you that, although at first it may seem like a maze, with the right information it becomes a breeze. So, if you are looking for employment or need to manage your demand, stay with me and I will guide you step by step.

What is the Prior Appointment for Employment Demand?

The prior appointment for employment demand is the process by which you request an appointment with the Public Employment Service of your autonomous community to carry out formalities related to your employment situation. This includes:

  1. Registration as a job seeker: If you are not yet registered, this is the first step.
  2. Renewal of the claim: It is essential to keep your claim active to access offers and services.
  3. Modification of personal data: If you have changed your address, telephone number or any other relevant data.
  4. Career counseling and guidance: If you need help to improve your employability.

Why is it Important to Manage Your Job Application?

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Correctly managing your job application is crucial for several reasons:

Access to job offers: Being registered allows you to access job offers that match your profile.

Training and orientation: Many employment services offer courses and orientation programs to improve your skills.

Unemployment benefits: If you have contributed enough, you may be entitled to economic benefits.

Steps to Request an Appointment

  • Access the portal of your Public Employment Service: Each autonomous community has its own portal. For example, in Andalusia, it is the Andalusian Employment Service (SAE).
  • Select the appointment option: Generally, you will find a specific section to manage appointments.
  • Choose the type of management you want to perform: Registration, renewal, modification of data, etc.
  • Select the office and date that best suits you: Some communities allow you to choose the closest office or the one with availability.
  • Confirm your appointment: You will receive a confirmation by email or SMS.

Advice from Amadeo Pérez for Efficient Management

Keep your details up to date: It is essential that your personal information is up to date in order to receive notifications and offers.

Prepare the necessary documentation: Before your appointment, make sure you have your DNI, NIE or passport at hand, as well as any documents that may be relevant.

Be on time: Punctuality demonstrates your commitment and facilitates more efficient service.

Take advantage of available resources: Many employment services offer workshops, courses and counseling. Do not hesitate to use them to improve your job opportunities.

What to Do If You Have Doubts or Need Help?

If at any time you feel lost or have questions, do not hesitate to contact the customer service of your Public Employment Service. In Andalusia, for example, you can call 955 625 695 to arrange appointments.


Managing your job application may seem complicated at first, but with the right information and good organization, it becomes a simple and beneficial process. Remember that every step you take brings you closer to your goal: finding the job you want. Best wishes and success in your search!

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