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Health Psychology


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This HOMOLOGATED ONLINE COURSE IN HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY is aimed at all those professionals who develop their work in the health field and want to learn how to act effectively with patients and families in complicated situations, and for all those w...

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University degree

200 h


8 ECTS (Créditos)


Qualification of Health Psychology

University Degree in Health Psychology Course with 8 ECTS University Credits. Continuous Training can be included in job vacancies and competitive examinations of the Public Administration.

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Universidad Antonio de Nebrija

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To study the importance that health psychology has today in the health field.


To know the situations that health professionals face on a daily basis.


To describe the communicative skills that professionals in the health sector must develop and strengthen.


To study in depth the subject of communication in healthcare contexts, a key part of any intervention.


To learn about coaching applied to negative situations in the healthcare environment.


To identify negative situations and know how to deal with them.

Why choose Health Psychology?

Today more than ever, people are looking for answers. Answers to those questions that haunt their heads before going to sleep, to those feelings that hold them back and that they don't even know how to describe. And this is where Health Psychology comes into play. We're not just talking about treating disorders or relieving stress; we're talking about changing lives. About equipping people with the tools they need to live better, freer, fuller lives.

And you know what? This is not magic. It's applied science. It is listening, understanding and acting from a professional approach that combines technique and humanity.

What is Health Psychology?

I am not going to fill your head with complicated terms. Health Psychology means helping people from a clinical perspective, but without going into hospitals. It's that connection between lifelong psychology and the day-to-day lives of those seeking wellness. Here we not only work with those who suffer from mental health problems, but also with those who want to prevent them or improve their quality of life.

Anxiety, depression, fears, self-esteem.... All those challenges that, although unseen, can change the course of a life.

And here comes the best part: you don't need to have "big problems" to go to a health psychologist. Anyone who wants to know themselves better, manage their emotions or face their daily challenges can benefit.

Why Health Psychology is essential today?

Think about it. We live in a fast-paced world, full of stimuli and demands. We all carry an invisible burden that sometimes weighs too much.The result? More stress, more anguish, more emotional problems. And this not only affects those who suffer directly; it impacts their families, friends, co-workers.

That's where the health psychologist comes in: to unclog that tangle of emotions, to provide clarity where there is now confusion.

The goal? Not just to relieve pain, but to offer a path to a more balanced and meaningful life.

What training does a health psychologist need?

Of course, this isn't for just anyone. Health Psychology requires solid training, endorsed by universities and specialized centers. This professional must master everything from psychological assessment techniques to specific intervention methods. But beyond qualifications, there is something essential: vocation. That ability to connect with the other, to empathize, to make the patient feel that he or she is in the right hands.

In Spain, Health Psychology is regulated by the Ministry of Health, which guarantees quality standards in both training and professional practice. This is key, because we are not talking about generic or motivational advice; we are talking about interventions based on scientific evidence.

Benefits of going to a health psychologist

Let's cut to the chase. What can you expect when working with a health psychologist?

  1. More mental clarity: Identify patterns that are limiting you.
  2. Practical tools: Concrete techniques to manage emotions and resolve conflicts.
  3. Prevention: Prevent small problems from growing into something bigger.
  4. Empowerment: Gain confidence and self-assurance.

Whether your goal is to improve your personal life, work life or both. This approach can make a difference.

Is it for you?

You may be thinking, "I don't need a psychologist, I can handle anything on my own."

You may be thinking, "I don't need a psychologist, I can handle anything on my own. And yes, sometimes we can. But at what cost? We often put off our mental health because it seems less urgent than other things. But let me tell you something: investing in your emotional well-being is the best decision you can make. Because when your mind is in balance, everything else flows.





Entre el material entregado en este curso se adjunta un documento llamado Guía del Alumno dónde aparece un horario de tutorías telefónicas y una dirección de e-mail dónde podrá enviar sus consultas, dudas y ejercicios. Además recibirá los materiales didácticos que incluye el curso para poder consultarlos en cualquier momento y conservarlos una vez finalizado el mismo.La metodología a seguir es ir avanzando a lo largo del itinerario de aprendizaje online, que cuenta con una serie de temas y ejercicios. Para su evaluación, el alumno/a deberá completar todos los ejercicios propuestos en el curso. La titulación será remitida al alumno/a por correo una vez se haya comprobado que ha completado el itinerario de aprendizaje satisfactoriamente.


What does it prepare you for?

This HOMOLOGATED ONLINE COURSE IN HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY prepares students to apply psychology and communication training to the health field, in difficult situations. Specifically, it will allow you to acquire certain skills necessary to perform their functions in the workplace, however to say that these skills also have their role in personal life, as they can be applied to any situation, being a global and complete training that is offered with this course. This University Course is accredited by the UNIVERSIDAD ANTONIO DE NEBRIJA with 8 European University Credits (ECTS), and can be used in job vacancies and public administration competitive examinations.


Who is it aimed at?

This HOMOLOGATED ONLINE COURSE IN HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY is aimed at all those professionals who develop their work in the health field and want to learn how to act effectively with patients and families in complicated situations, and for all those who want to expand their knowledge on this subject and the world of psychology and / or want to get aHOMOLOGATED UNIVERSITY DEGREE..


Career opportunities

With this Health Psychology Course, you will broaden your training in the health field. It will also allow you to improve your job prospects as nursing and medical staff, psychologist and psychiatrist. In addition, you will acquire the necessary professional skills to develop your work as an expert in home care, emergencies, social action and health transport.

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