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Industrial Refrigeration


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This HOMOLOGATED ONLINE COURSE IN INDUSTRIAL COOLING is aimed at professionals and companies in the installation and maintenance of industrial refrigeration installations, as well as anyone who is interested in working in the professional area r...

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University degree

200 h


8 ECTS (Créditos)


Qualification of Industrial Refrigeration

University Degree in INDUSTRIAL COOLING with 8 ECTS University Credits. Continuous training for job vacancies and competitive examinations of the Public Administration.

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Universidad Antonio de Nebrija

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To acquire basic notions about hydrodynamics and thermodynamics.


To identify the components and elements that make up industrial refrigeration installations.


To know the steps to follow in the assembly and start-up of refrigeration installations.


To know the process to follow in the maintenance of refrigeration installations.

Why choose Industrial Refrigeration?

Do you know what a frozen food plant, a hospital and a supermarket have in common? Industrial refrigeration. Yes, that technological "monster" that ensures your ice cream doesn't arrive melted, vaccines don't lose their effectiveness and your beer is at the perfect temperature. It seems like magic, but it is not.

Industrial refrigeration is science, innovation and opportunity. Opportunity because if you are looking for a profession in demand, specialized and knows no crisis, this is your field.

What is industrial refrigeration and why does it matter so much?

Industrial refrigeration is the system that uses mechanical, electrical and thermal processes to produce low temperatures. And although it sounds technical (and it is), its impact is everyday. Think of any industry: food, pharmaceuticals, logistics.... They all depend on this technology.

  • Without industrial refrigeration, there would be no functional supply chains. Perishable products would be lost before reaching the shelves.
  • Health and science need it. From drug preservation to scientific research in laboratories, everything revolves around reliable refrigeration systems.

You see? Industrial refrigeration isn't just an add-on, it's a mainstay. And here comes the interesting part: mastering it makes you a key player for any company.

Who needs industrial refrigeration experts?

  • The food industry. Did you know that more than 40% of the world's food needs refrigeration? From cold rooms to transport systems, every detail counts.
  • The pharmaceutical sector. If you've ever seen a vaccine, thank industrial refrigeration for keeping it viable.
  • Hotels and supermarkets. Every air conditioning system, refrigerated display case and cold room needs expert maintenance.

And guess what? There is a lack of professionals. Yes, companies are crying out for technicians who know how to install, repair and optimize these systems.

Why should you specialize?

Because industrial refrigeration is not a fad, it's a necessity. But beyond stability, there is something even more attractive: the potential for growth.

1. Competitive salaries: Technicians specializing in industrial refrigeration are better paid than many other technical profiles.
2. Constant innovation: From energy efficiency to automated systems, there is always something new to learn.
3. Professional recognition: Being certified in industrial refrigeration puts you on the radar of large companies.

What do you need to get started?

You don't need to be a genius! All you need is a course that gives you a solid foundation and opens the doors to the professional world. Practical, applied and recognized education.

For example, in the industrial refrigeration course offered by Educa University, you will learn:

    • How to design, install and maintain refrigeration systems.
    • Principles of thermodynamics and energy efficiency.
    • Current regulations and good safety practices.

    And best of all: You can learn at your own pace, without letting go of your current responsibilities.

    Industrial refrigeration as the career of the future

    Think about it: in a world that seeks sustainability and efficiency, industrial refrigeration is not just about cooling, but about making it better and smarter. Systems that save energy, use environmentally friendly refrigerants and integrate with smart technologies.

    Can you imagine yourself leading a project to reduce the environmental impact of a supermarket chain? Or being responsible for a vaccine reaching the other side of the world intact?

    That's what you can achieve if you take the step today.





Entre el material entregado en este curso se adjunta un documento llamado Guía del Alumno dónde aparece un horario de tutorías telefónicas y una dirección de e-mail dónde podrá enviar sus consultas, dudas y ejercicios. Además recibirá los materiales didácticos que incluye el curso para poder consultarlos en cualquier momento y conservarlos una vez finalizado el mismo.La metodología a seguir es ir avanzando a lo largo del itinerario de aprendizaje online, que cuenta con una serie de temas y ejercicios. Para su evaluación, el alumno/a deberá completar todos los ejercicios propuestos en el curso. La titulación será remitida al alumno/a por correo una vez se haya comprobado que ha completado el itinerario de aprendizaje satisfactoriamente.


What does it prepare you for?

This HOMOLOGATED ONLINE COURSE IN INDUSTRIAL COOLING prepares you to work as a freelancer or in a company, either in the public or private sector, dedicated to the assembly and/or maintenance of industrial refrigeration installations. This University Course is accredited by the UNIVERSIDAD ANTONIO DE NEBRIJA with 8 European University Credits (ECTS), and can be used in job vacancies and public administration competitive examinations.


Who is it aimed at?

This HOMOLOGATED ONLINE COURSE IN INDUSTRIAL COOLING is aimed at professionals and companies in the installation and maintenance of industrial refrigeration installations, as well as anyone who is interested in working in the professional area related to industrial cooling and / or want to get a UNIVERSITY CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE..


Career opportunities

Industrial refrigeration installer, industrial engineers, industrial refrigeration and maintenance technicians, installers-assemblers of refrigeration installations.

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