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Master in Continuing Education BIM Management


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About this course

This BIM Management Master is aimed at people who work in the construction sector or intend to do so, as well as professionals who want to specialize by obtaining these competencies in their profile.

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University degree

1500 h


60 ECTS (Créditos)


Qualification of Master in Continuing Education BIM Management

University Degree issued by the Universidad a Distancia de Madrid with 60 ECTS credits. "Education that does not lead to the award of a Degree with official value (art. 4.4 Decree 84/2004, of May 13, of the Community of Madrid)."

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Universidad a Distancia de Madrid

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To know the BIM work methodology.


To train in the use of specific software tools for development.


To increase the student's competences in the working world.


To know the project life cycles.





Todos los contenidos del Máster están disponibles en el campus virtual. Desde el entorno virtual el alumno tendrá a su disposición una serie de recursos generales de ayuda y guía, entre ellos la Guía del Alumno donde encontrará toda la información relativa al curso: docentes, horarios de tutorías y las vías y mecanismos para realizar consultas, enviar ejercicios, etc. También desde el Campus Virtual tendrá a su disposición una serie de herramientas y recursos didácticos que serán su principal referencia a lo largo de la acción formativa. Todas las formaciones incluyen una Master Class semanal síncrona con el tutor o tutora, sobre contenidos de relevancia del Temario del Master. Igualmente, hay foro de tutorías dentro de la plataforma. Incluye la realización de un Trabajo Fin de Master, en función de su formación. Se deberá haber superado CADA UNIDAD con al menos un 75 % para superar el Máster.


What does it prepare you for?

This BIM Management Master prepares you to develop professionally in the BIM (Building Information Modelling) technology environment, thus implementing the construction cycles through the use of BIM. This Master prepares you for the near future of project development in this environment.


Who is it aimed at?

This BIM Management Master is aimed at people who work in the construction sector or intend to do so, as well as professionals who want to specialize by obtaining these competencies in their profile.


Career opportunities

The outlets related to BIM that are booming, such as BIM Manager Management, BIM Designer, BIM Expert, and those interested in industrialized or digitized construction or for those interested in Virtual Reality in building.

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