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Master of Continuing Education in Graphic Design


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The Master of Continuing Education in Graphic Design is aimed at university graduates who wish to acquire, expand and update their knowledge in design. The sole objective is to offer creative graphic solutions in projects of various kinds to mee...

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University degree

1500 h


60 ECTS (Créditos)


Qualification of Master of Continuing Education in Graphic Design

Double Degree:

  • University's own Master's Degree in Continuing Education in Graphic Design issued by the Universidad Antonio de Nebrija with 60 ECTS credits.
  • Instituto Europeo de Estudios Empresariales
  • Own University Degree of Master of Continuing Education in Graphic Design, issued and endorsed by the European Institute of Business Studies.(INESEM) "Non-official education and not conducive to obtaining a degree with official character or certificate of professionalism."

Video of university students giving their opinion of Universidad Antonio de Nebrija

Universidad Antonio de Nebrija

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Learn how to use design-related applications such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign and Adobe XD.


To know all the phases of the production of a graphic project.


To master the preparation of files for any printing system.





Con nuestra metodología de aprendizaje online, el alumno comienza su andadura en INESEM Business School a través de un campus virtual diseñado exclusivamente para desarrollar el itinerario formativo con el objetivo de mejorar su perfil profesional. El alumno debe avanzar de manera autónoma a lo largo de las diferentes unidades didácticas así como realizar las actividades y autoevaluaciones correspondientes. La carga de horas de la acción formativa comprende las diferentes actividades que el alumno realiza a lo largo de su itinerario. Las horas de teleformación realizadas en el Campus Virtual se complementan con el trabajo autónomo del alumno, la comunicación con el docente, las actividades y lecturas complementarias y la labor de investigación y creación asociada a los proyectos. Para obtener la titulación el alumno debe aprobar todas la autoevaluaciones y exámenes y visualizar al menos el 100% de los contenidos de la plataforma. El Proyecto Fin de Máster se realiza tras finalizar el contenido teórico-práctico en el Campus. Para aprobarlo es necesaria una nota mínima de 5. Por último, es necesario notificar la finalización del Máster desde la plataforma para comenzar la expedición del título.


What does it prepare you for?

The Master of Continuing Education in Graphic Design offers specific training in graphic design and in the preparation of print or digital production. All learning is based on practice because we believe that this is the best way to learn and meet all the challenges that you propose. Layout a book, design a billboard, a package will be some of the practices that we will carry out throughout the training action.


Who is it aimed at?

The Master of Continuing Education in Graphic Design is aimed at university graduates who wish to acquire, expand and update their knowledge in design. The sole objective is to offer creative graphic solutions in projects of various kinds to meet the current market demand.


Career opportunities

The professional opportunities of the Master of Continuing Education in Graphic Design are quite broad, since in every project you need a designer who can bring their creativity and good work. Therefore, you will be able to opt for positions as graphic designer and UI, creative in advertising and marketing agency, printing technician among other related positions.

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