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Political Science Program


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The Political Science Program is designed for individuals interested in exploring the fundamentals of political power, structure and processes. Ideal for those seeking to understand electoral systems and the dynamics of elections, as well as for...

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University degree

96 h



Qualification of Political Science Program

Degree in Political Science Program issued by Euroinnova International Online Education in collaboration with the Center for Continuing Education of the Graduate School of the Continental University.

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To understand the relationship between politics and power.


To analyze structures of political organization.


To examine the role of the state in politics.


To learn about electoral systems and actors.


To understand politics as an activity.


To study politics as a process of results.





Entre el material entregado en este curso se adjunta un documento llamado Guía del Alumno dónde aparece un horario de tutorías telefónicas y una dirección de e-mail dónde podrá enviar sus consultas, dudas y ejercicios. La metodología a seguir es ir avanzando a lo largo del itinerario de aprendizaje online, que cuenta con una serie de temas y ejercicios. Para su evaluación, el alumno/a deberá completar todos los ejercicios propuestos en el curso. La titulación será remitida al alumno/a por correo una vez se haya comprobado que ha completado el itinerario de aprendizaje satisfactoriamente.


What does it prepare you for?

The Political Science Program trains you to understand the dynamics of power and political organization. Through its didactic units, you will acquire a comprehensive vision of state politics, electoral systems and political actors. It focuses on analyzing politics in both its practice and its consequences, exploring the evolution of the state and the history of security and defense. You will delve into political geography, its theories and its relevance to geostrategy and geopolitical analysis, preparing you for a more informed and analytical engagement with the political context.


Who is it aimed at?

The Political Science Program is designed for individuals interested in exploring the fundamentals of political power, structure and processes. Ideal for those seeking to understand electoral systems and the dynamics of elections, as well as for students eager to delve deeper into topics such as geopolitics and geostrategy. Suitable for people looking to enrich their political vision and understand the history and transformations of the modern state, without the need to be previous experts in the field.


Career opportunities

After completing the Political Science Program, you will have access to a wide range of employment opportunities. You will be prepared to work in political consulting, electoral systems analysis and electoral strategy. Your understanding of state and organizational politics qualifies you for roles in public administrations and NGOs. In addition, training in geopolitics and geostrategy opens doors in the security and defense sector, as well as in research and teaching in academic institutions.

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