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Correos training: My personal experience with the courses that help you get a position

Correos training: My personal experience with the courses that help you get a position

I've been involved in this world for years, I've gone through all the stages: from having no idea how to prepare myself, to being one of the lucky ones to get my anxiously awaited position. Today I want to share with you what I've learned by trial and error, so you can avoid mistakes and maximize your chances.

The Correos training is not simply a matter of studying and taking the exam, no, my friend, it's much more than that. It's a mix of strategy, planning and, of course, doing the right courses at the right time. Join me and I'll tell you EVERYTHING. Oh, and don't forget to listen to me on some important points I'll mention, because failing there can cost you your place!

What is Correos Training and why is it important?

The Correos training is the set of training and approved courses that you can take to prepare for the Correos exams. Why are they important? Because they not only help you prepare better, but they give you additional points in the merit scale that can make the difference between getting or not your dream position.

One important thing I learned in this process is that not all courses work. That is, you can find trainings that seem useful, but if they are not in the bases of the call, simply they will not give you points. Eye! , I tell you this because I myself fell into that trap. At first, I took a course that I thought would be useful to me and it turned out to be a waste of time because it didn't add points.

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Lesson learned: take only the courses that are indicated in the bases.

Types of Correos Training courses

In my experience, there are several types of courses that you can take to prepare for Correos, and each has its function. Let's break them down:

  1. Specific courses for the Correos oposiciones de Correos: These are the ones that score points directly and must be homologated. They are usually focused on areas such as parcel delivery, internal operational systems of Correos, or customer service
  2. Courses offered by unions: Unions also offer training, and although some courses are homologated, others are not always valid for the specific call. Therefore, it is essential to always be attentive to the official bases of the call.
  3. Language training and driving licenses: If you have a good level of English or you get a driving license (such as motorcycle or truck), that also adds points in the scale. I took the motorcycle license thinking it would help me and, indeed, it did.

My personal experience: mistakes and successes

I'll be honest, not everything has been a bed of roses. In my first oppositions to the post office I was wrong in many things. One of the biggest was thinking that I could take any course and that, somehow, it would help me to score. Big mistake. I ended up taking a warehouse management course which, although interesting, didn't get me a single point for the opposition.

What I learned:

    • Only do the courses that score.
    • Prepare the right documentation: don't forget to submit the certificates on time, or you will be left out of the evaluation(.
    • Plan your time: some courses are quick, a few hours, but others require much more time and planning(.

Where to find the best Correos Training courses?

The best option is always to check the official Correos portal and the unions to keep up to date with the training offer.

Some of the most popular options for courses are:

  • Campus Virtual de Correos: Here you can find a wide variety of approved courses that are aligned with the bases of the call(.
  • Unions such as CCOO and UGT: These often offer exclusive training courses for candidates.

Tips to maximize your points and NOT fail

    1. Follow the rules of the call to the letter: do not deviate. Every point counts, and leaving one out could be the mistake that keeps you from your place.
    2. Do the approved courses as soon as possible. Do not wait until the last minute. If the unexpected happens, at least you will have your training validated and on time.
    3. Diversify your points: Don't just focus on the courses. If you can, get additional points with languages or driving licenses((.
    4. Don't forget about the exam!. In the end, courses and extra points help you, but the exam is what carries the most weight(.

So there you have it. My experience with the Post Office training has been a journey with highs and lows, but every mistake served to sharpen my strategy and get the position I so craved. Take my advice: follow these steps, focus on what really scores and don't get carried away by training that doesn't add value.

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