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Nutritionists: Much more than just diet creators

Nutritionists: Much more than just diet creators

Throughout my life, I have had the "privilege" of meeting nutritionists on several occasions. Some better than others, of course. And the reality is that nutritionists are a fundamental part of our well-being, although, many times, we do not see it until we are in trouble. But don't worry, today I'll tell you what these professionals actually do and why their role is more important than it seems.

What is a nutritionist?

A nutritionist is a health specialist who is dedicated to evaluating, diagnosing and treating problems related to nutrition and food. His role goes far beyond telling you whether you should eat more or less salad. No. Their mission is to design personalized plans that help you improve your health, prevent disease and even manage complex situations such as diabetes or cancer.

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But of course, a nutritionist is not a magician. If you keep eating pizza every day and ignore their recommendations, the magic won't happen.

My personal experience with nutritionists

Over the years, I've worked with several nutritionists. The first one, if I'm honest, fell flat on my face. He made me feel like a scolded child: "Don't eat that! More vegetables!". How original, right? But then I understood that there's a brutal difference between a good nutritionist and someone who just follows a list of generic guidelines.

A real nutritionist, one of those who knows what he's doing, doesn't just give you a list of allowed and forbidden foods. No. He educates you.He helps you understand what's going on in your body and how certain foods can make you feel better (or worse). And that changes everything!

What can a nutritionist do for you?

First of all, not all nutritionists are the same. There are specialists for every need. For example:

Clinical nutritionist: They work with patients who have specific health problems, such as diabetes, heart disease or kidney problems.

Sports nutritionist: If you are into sports, this specialist will adjust your diet to your training. Believe me, the supplements recommended by your colleague at the gym are nothing compared to what a good nutrition plan can do

Pediatric nutritionist: This type of professional takes care of the nutrition of the little ones, making sure they grow up healthy and strong. It seems easy, but it is not! A mistake in child nutrition can have serious consequences.

Perinatal nutritionist: Here we talk about the health of pregnant or breastfeeding women. It's not just about eating for two; it's about making sure that what you eat really nourishes your baby.

Oncology nutritionist: In cases of cancer, nutrition plays a vital role. This type of specialist is in charge of adjusting diets to aid in the patient's recovery

Why should you consider seeing a nutritionist?

Most people think that seeing a nutritionist is unnecessary. After all, who doesn't know what healthy eating is, right? Well... it turns out that we are not so clear. A nutritionist will not only help you lose weight or look good in summer. They will teach you how to eat so that you feel good. And that, my friend, is something worth gold.

A good nutritionist can make you:

  • Improve your intestinal health (that darn discomfort after can go away!).
  • Optimize your energy (that constant sluggishness? Sometimes it's a matter of poor nutrition).
  • Prevent diseases that could screw up your life (diabetes, hypertension... you know).

The first consultation: What to expect

This is where things get interesting. When you go to a nutritionist for the first time, it's not just to have them weigh you and tell you how much overweight you are (although they do that too, of course). A good nutritionist goes much further. It's about understanding your lifestyle, your habits and your goals.

At my first consultation, the nutritionist asked me questions I never thought I'd be asked. "How do you feel after eating X food?", "How long does it take you to get hungry after breakfast?". I realized it wasn't just about what I ate, but how what I ate affected me.

What's behind the success of nutritionists?

At the end of the day, what a nutritionist does well is give you the tools to make better choices yourself. They're not there to be your mother (although sometimes it feels that way, I'll admit). They're there to teach you.

And of course, when you start seeing results - less bloating, more energy, better blood work - you realize that their job goes far beyond just counting your calories a day.

Is it worth investing in a nutritionist?

If you ask me, the answer is a resounding yes. It's an investment in your health and your quality of life. What you pay today, you'll see back in more years of healthy living, fewer doctor visits and a better relationship with food. It's not about spending less at the grocery store; it's about gaining more life.

So, the next time you think you don't need a nutritionist, stand in front of the mirror, ask yourself how you feel and whether you could feel better. Therein lies the answer.

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