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Master's Degree in Continuing Education for Sports Coaches


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About this course

The Master in Continuing Education in Sports Coaching is aimed at professionals in the field of sports who wish to deepen their knowledge and skills in the field of coaching. It is oriented towards sports coaches, physical education and health p...

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University degree

1500 h


60 ECTS (Créditos)


Qualification of Master's Degree in Continuing Education for Sports Coaches

Master's Degree in Continuing Education of Sports Coach issued by the European University Miguel de Cervantes accredited with 60 University ECTS (Professional Master of the European University Miguel de Cervantes).

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To know the basic physical capacities for their training and the factors that influence their development.


To plan the training session in order to organize the athlete's improvement process.


Identify and select tests, tests and questionnaires grouping them coherently in a personalized test battery.


To know the possible injuries and risks that athletes can suffer, and how to provide first aid in a first aid situation.


To establish an approach to the minimum contents on sports health.


To develop psychological and sports coaching techniques to improve the performance of athletes.





Todos los contenidos del Máster están disponibles en el campus virtual. En el presente Máster el alumnado encontrará tanto los contenidos básicos y materiales complementarios con los que adquirir conocimientos como actividades grupales e individuales, cuya naturaleza variará dependiendo de cada caso, con los que comprobar sus progresos y poner en práctica tales conocimientos. Desde el entorno virtual el alumno tendrá a su disposición una serie de recursos generales de ayuda y guía, entre ellos la Guía del Alumno donde encontrará toda la información relativa al curso: docentes, horarios de tutorías y las vías y mecanismos para realizar consultas, enviar ejercicios, etc. Se seguirá un modelo de aprendizaje basado en: - El autoaprendizaje: los materiales y las actividades están diseñados de modo que los participantes puedan avanzar a su propio ritmo y comprobando en todo momento sus progresos. - Trabajo colaborativo: parte de los conocimientos se irán construyendo en grupo, gracias a su interacción con el resto de los participantes en el curso a través de las herramientas de que dispone la plataforma virtual. De ahí la importancia de su participación en el entorno y en las actividades colectivas, que será tenida en cuenta a la hora de evaluarlo. - Apoyo tutorial: el equipo docente irá guiando al grupo en el proceso de aprendizaje, realizando un seguimiento individual de su participación, esfuerzo y resultados a lo largo del curso y solventando posibles dudas. En el momento de matricularse, el alumno recibe en su domicilio en manuales de apoyo relacionados con el contenido del Máster.


What does it prepare you for?

This Master in Continuing Education in Sports Coaching offers you specialized training in various aspects of sports training, such as physiology, basic physical abilities, development and data collection of physical tests and tests, health and sports nutrition, sports coaching and sports psychology. It gives you the knowledge and skills you need to excel as a coach.


Who is it aimed at?

The Master in Continuing Education in Sports Coaching is aimed at professionals in the field of sports who wish to deepen their knowledge and skills in the field of coaching. It is oriented towards sports coaches, physical education and health professionals, as well as those who wish to start a career in sports coaching.


Career opportunities

The Master in Continuing Education in Sports Coaching offers various job opportunities in the field of training and physical preparation, mainly as a sports coach, physical trainer, sports coordinator... The training sector offers you multiple opportunities in various environments, from the professional field to recreational sports.

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