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Diploma in Sports Nutrition


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The Diploma in Sports Nutrition is aimed at health science professionals who want to deepen their knowledge of nutrition for athletes, as well as nutritionists who wish to improve the performance of their sports patients, and psychologists who w...

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University degree

90 h



Qualification of Diploma in Sports Nutrition

Diploma in Sports Nutrition issued by the San Lorenzo University in collaboration with Euroinnova International Online Education.

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To know the physiological and nutritional bases of training.


To study the physiological bases of intake and expenditure applied to sports performance.


To develop nutritional strategies according to the athlete's objective.


To adapt the guidelines to the diversity and dietary preferences of the athlete.


Understand the fundamentals of sports nutrition and aerobic and anaerobic physical exercise.


Understand the key aspects of human sports nutrition.





Entre el material entregado en este curso se adjunta un documento llamado Guía del Alumno dónde aparece un horario de tutorías telefónicas y una dirección de e-mail dónde podrá enviar sus consultas, dudas y ejercicios. La metodología a seguir es ir avanzando a lo largo del itinerario de aprendizaje online, que cuenta con una serie de temas y ejercicios. Para su evaluación, el alumno/a deberá completar todos los ejercicios propuestos en el curso. La titulación será remitida al alumno/a por correo una vez se haya comprobado que ha completado el itinerario de aprendizaje satisfactoriamente.


What does it prepare you for?

Through this Diploma, you will acquire specific and updated training in the field of Sports Nutrition, offering you the necessary skills to develop and supervise the nutrition of people who perform sports. The objective is that they have the necessary nutrients to develop their discipline in the best possible way, obtaining optimal results and increasing performance with your help and monitoring.


Who is it aimed at?

The Diploma in Sports Nutrition is aimed at health science professionals who want to deepen their knowledge of nutrition for athletes, as well as nutritionists who wish to improve the performance of their sports patients, and psychologists who wish to specialize in the sports area. It is also for students and anyone with an interest in health, nutrition and sports.


Career opportunities

The Diploma in Sports Nutrition qualifies you to develop your professional activity in sports centers or clubs and gyms, private nutritional consultancies, or work as a freelancer starting your own practice. It also allows you to give conferences, lectures, or even be a nutritional advisor.

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