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Human Resources Management


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About this course

The following ONLINE COURSE IN HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT is aimed at professionals, students, or anyone interested in training in Human Resources Management or who want to obtain an accredited UNIVERSITY QUALIFICATION..

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University degree

200 h


8 ECTS (Créditos)


Qualification of Human Resources Management

University Degree with 8 ECTS credits Issued by the University Antonio de Nebrija as Continuing Education (NFC) (Baremable in job exchanges and competitive examinations of the Public Administration).

Video of university students giving their opinion of Universidad Antonio de Nebrija

Universidad Antonio de Nebrija

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To know the importance of workforce planning, analyzing the objectives of the company and making a planning of the necessary human resources


To develop selection processes, using the most appropriate tests and selection techniques for each job


To value the importance of training as a basic tool for the development of human capital of the company


To know the importance of competency management, evaluating this model with the tools to assess its use


To know the employment contract, its characteristics, elements, types, etc. and the structure of the payroll of a worker.


To analyze the importance of Occupational Risk Prevention in the Worker's Safety when performing their tasks.





Con nuestra metodología de aprendizaje online, el alumno comienza su andadura en INESEM Business School a través de un campus virtual diseñado exclusivamente para desarrollar el itinerario formativo con el objetivo de mejorar su perfil profesional. El alumno debe avanzar de manera autónoma a lo largo de las diferentes unidades didácticas así como realizar las actividades y autoevaluaciones correspondientes. La carga de horas de la acción formativa comprende las diferentes actividades que el alumno realiza a lo largo de su itinerario. Las horas de teleformación realizadas en el Campus Virtual se complementan con el trabajo autónomo del alumno, la comunicación con el docente, las actividades y lecturas complementarias y la labor de investigación y creación asociada a los proyectos. Para obtener la titulación el alumno debe aprobar todas la autoevaluaciones y exámenes y visualizar al menos el 75% de los contenidos de la plataforma. Por último, es necesario notificar la finalización de la acción formativa desde la plataforma para comenzar la expedición del título.


What does it prepare you for?

The HOMOLOGATED ONLINE COURSE IN HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT prepares you for the performance of the functions that, as Human Resources (HR) Manager, have been assigned to you: personnel selection, detection of training needs in the company, etc. Being a UNIVERSITY COURSE it is HOMOLOGATEDfor OPPOSITIONS.So, you will be able to take charge of making the most of the human capital of companies, one of the most relevant and with the greatest impact on productivity. If you are looking for a course in digital hr with which to complete the development of your professional career, take this opportunity and request more information about our free courses for employees..


Who is it aimed at?

The following ONLINE COURSE IN HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT is aimed at professionals, students, or anyone interested in training in Human Resources Management or who want to obtain an accredited UNIVERSITY QUALIFICATION..


Career opportunities

On completion of the training, the student will be able to develop a professional career in charge of human capital management in all types of companies. They will be able to work in Human Resources (HR) Departments of all organizations, regardless of their size and activity. In addition, you will learn the fundamental concepts to be taken into account in the prevention of occupational hazards.

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