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University Specialization Course in Work and Organizational Psychology


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This training action is especially aimed at company managers, HR directors and technicians, heads of Management Systems departments (PRL, Quality and Environment), personnel with command responsibility, team coordinators, owners of production pr...

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University degree

200 h


8 ECTS (Créditos)


Qualification of University Specialization Course in Work and Organizational Psychology

Degree in Psychology of Work and Organizations issued by the Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes accredited with 8 University Credits (University Course of Specialization of the Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes).

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To know the fundamental principles of work psychology.


To know some of the main models of organizational culture and climate.


To study the most effective techniques related to the exercise of power and leadership development.


To analyze the fundamental principles of the most important theories related to the study of attitude and motivation towards work.


To know how to analyze the work environment, defining conflicts and their prevention, confrontation and resolution.





El alumno comienza su andadura en INESEM a través del Campus Virtual. Con nuestra metodología de aprendizaje online, el alumno debe avanzar a lo largo de las unidades didácticas del itinerario formativo, así como realizar las actividades y autoevaluaciones correspondientes. También contará con manuales que le servirán como apoyo para completar su formación, materiales con una clara vocación práctica. Al final del itinerario, el alumno se encontrará con el examen final, debiendo contestar correctamente un mínimo del 75% de las cuestiones planteadas para poder obtener el título. Nuestro equipo docente y un tutor especializado harán un seguimiento exhaustivo, evaluando todos los progresos del alumno así como estableciendo una línea abierta para la resolución de consultas. El alumno dispone de un espacio donde gestionar todos sus trámites administrativos, la Secretaría Virtual, y de un lugar de encuentro, Comunidad INESEM, donde fomentar su proceso de aprendizaje que enriquecerá su desarrollo profesional.


What does it prepare you for?

The purpose of this training action is to provide the student with a comprehensive training on the main psychological factors related to work, as we conceive it in our times. It also deals with other organizational aspects and its main management mechanisms, such as the exercise of power and leadership, communication and decision-making processes or the possibilities of developing productive and healthy organizations.


Who is it aimed at?

This training action is especially aimed at company managers, HR directors and technicians, heads of Management Systems departments (PRL, Quality and Environment), personnel with command responsibility, team coordinators, owners of production processes or professionals who work in work environments of a certain organizational complexity.


Career opportunities

The Psychology of Work and Organizations course is an ideal complement for the training curriculum of directors and department heads in all types of productive companies, middle management, personnel in Human Resources and Management Systems departments, External Advisors and Consultants and in general for anyone interested in the psychological principles that shape the labor and organizational reality of today.

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